Postgresql & Berkeley DB 4
Two Open Source Database Systems
By Gavin Sherry <>
Section I: PostgreSQL
Introduction & overview
Setup and Administration
Query Language
Extending Postgres with server side programming: creating
functions, types, aggregates and more.
Procedural language programming
C language client library
PostgreSQL 7.3 and beyond!
Section II: Berkeley DB4
Introduction & overview
Differences between Berkeley and SQL/(Object) Relational
Why Berkeley DB?
Basic usage: creating and opening databases; data storage,
retrieval and removal
Sophisticated usage:
database configuration
access methodology
database recovery
The BerkeleyDB Environment
Section III: An Introduction to the PostgreSQL source code
Database startup: `postmaster' vs. `postgres'
Connection authentication and database startup
The parser:
building a node tree
query re-writing
Command execution
Query planning and optimisation:
Optimise join tree
Preprocess target list
Build top level grouping/aggregation planning
Finalise plan
Query execution:
access physical heaps according to plan
result processing
Other features:
system cache
heap manipulation