1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:08,469 foreign 2 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:08,469 [Music] 3 00:00:12,620 --> 00:00:15,810 [Applause] 4 00:00:16,640 --> 00:00:23,100 woman Jacker is welcome in the First 5 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:24,539 Nations language of Melbourne and we're 6 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:26,880 currently standing on the banks of the 7 00:00:24,539 --> 00:00:29,160 berawang which is the Yara River and on 8 00:00:26,880 --> 00:00:30,539 behalf of the everything open team and 9 00:00:29,160 --> 00:00:32,399 Linux Australia I would like to 10 00:00:30,539 --> 00:00:35,040 acknowledge that traditional custodians 11 00:00:32,399 --> 00:00:37,860 of the lands of Nam the war Andre 12 00:00:35,040 --> 00:00:40,559 warroong peoples of the cooler Nations 13 00:00:37,860 --> 00:00:42,360 please turn off your phones 14 00:00:40,559 --> 00:00:44,820 um we pay our respects to their Elders 15 00:00:42,360 --> 00:00:46,680 past and present and the Elders of the 16 00:00:44,820 --> 00:00:49,320 First Nations communities that are 17 00:00:46,680 --> 00:00:51,239 joining us today at everything open 18 00:00:49,320 --> 00:00:53,640 now the significance of the Yara river 19 00:00:51,239 --> 00:00:56,219 is that people came together 20 00:00:53,640 --> 00:00:58,079 to share ideas 21 00:00:56,219 --> 00:01:01,260 community 22 00:00:58,079 --> 00:01:04,080 and just being together as a group so 23 00:01:01,260 --> 00:01:08,720 it's quite fitting that we're face to 24 00:01:04,080 --> 00:01:08,720 face all over again it's quite lovely 25 00:01:08,740 --> 00:01:12,260 [Applause] 26 00:01:10,799 --> 00:01:15,000 sorry 27 00:01:12,260 --> 00:01:16,799 I wrote this slide because I had a manic 28 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:19,140 massive panic attack because I'm like 29 00:01:16,799 --> 00:01:21,360 what do we do at a face-to-face 30 00:01:19,140 --> 00:01:25,640 conference so first I'm going to 31 00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:25,640 instruct everyone to Just Breathe 32 00:01:26,420 --> 00:01:32,460 just take it in you're amongst friends 33 00:01:29,580 --> 00:01:35,460 you're amongst family there's so many 34 00:01:32,460 --> 00:01:37,380 lovely faces that I can kind of see 35 00:01:35,460 --> 00:01:39,000 and it's wonderful to have you here and 36 00:01:37,380 --> 00:01:40,979 thank you so much for supporting us 37 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:43,380 because I know that this has been a bit 38 00:01:40,979 --> 00:01:46,320 of a rough start 39 00:01:43,380 --> 00:01:49,380 um but conference has had 40 00:01:46,320 --> 00:01:51,720 a couple of different opinions but 41 00:01:49,380 --> 00:01:53,700 we're here right 42 00:01:51,720 --> 00:01:56,159 the conference program has four 43 00:01:53,700 --> 00:01:58,200 full and awesome Keynotes 44 00:01:56,159 --> 00:02:00,119 50-ish talks 45 00:01:58,200 --> 00:02:02,939 lightning talks on Friday which I'll 46 00:02:00,119 --> 00:02:04,439 talk about soon there's three tracks and 47 00:02:02,939 --> 00:02:07,259 there's always the hallway track where 48 00:02:04,439 --> 00:02:09,259 we can share our ideas 49 00:02:07,259 --> 00:02:12,840 oh crap 50 00:02:09,259 --> 00:02:16,280 Thursday see I copied and pasted slides 51 00:02:12,840 --> 00:02:16,280 from Gold Coast that's what's happened 52 00:02:16,620 --> 00:02:20,520 sorry 53 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:22,560 first up I'd like to thank our emperor 54 00:02:20,520 --> 00:02:24,110 penguin sponsors Google so let's give 55 00:02:22,560 --> 00:02:27,120 them all 56 00:02:24,110 --> 00:02:30,020 [Applause] 57 00:02:27,120 --> 00:02:30,020 IBM 58 00:02:31,379 --> 00:02:36,990 our wonderful Network partner on it 59 00:02:33,850 --> 00:02:36,990 [Applause] 60 00:02:37,560 --> 00:02:43,560 canonical Ubuntu and red hat as our king 61 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:45,599 penguin sponsors 62 00:02:43,560 --> 00:02:46,040 code Constructor or Delhi penguin 63 00:02:45,599 --> 00:02:48,780 sponsors 64 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:51,650 [Applause] 65 00:02:48,780 --> 00:02:53,519 our fairy penguin sponsors Collabera 66 00:02:51,650 --> 00:02:55,680 [Applause] 67 00:02:53,519 --> 00:02:59,400 and our in-kind sponsors Ballarat 68 00:02:55,680 --> 00:03:01,920 hackerspace who made the lovely lovely 69 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:03,480 um speaker's gifts the sizzle which 70 00:03:01,920 --> 00:03:05,760 we'll be actually giving out some prizes 71 00:03:03,480 --> 00:03:09,319 for the sizzle and honest Rob's used car 72 00:03:05,760 --> 00:03:09,319 and VOIP Emporium 73 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:17,159 now without this organization this 74 00:03:15,420 --> 00:03:18,780 conference wouldn't be here Linux 75 00:03:17,159 --> 00:03:21,120 Australia has been supporting open 76 00:03:18,780 --> 00:03:24,060 source in Australia and New Zealand for 77 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:27,440 quite some time and without them we 78 00:03:24,060 --> 00:03:27,440 wouldn't be here so please thank them 79 00:03:30,420 --> 00:03:33,480 we are making this conference 80 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:35,760 sustainable by planting trees so thank 81 00:03:33,480 --> 00:03:37,680 you to 15 trees who are actually going 82 00:03:35,760 --> 00:03:39,599 to plant these in 83 00:03:37,680 --> 00:03:41,099 um Eastern Victoria where all the 84 00:03:39,599 --> 00:03:42,720 bushfires happened a couple of years ago 85 00:03:41,099 --> 00:03:44,760 so they'll be planting trees there for 86 00:03:42,720 --> 00:03:48,500 us 87 00:03:44,760 --> 00:03:48,500 all right trees 88 00:03:48,780 --> 00:03:51,959 all right 89 00:03:50,159 --> 00:03:55,019 um so housekeeping where you lanyard 90 00:03:51,959 --> 00:03:56,099 which I should be doing but I'm not 91 00:03:55,019 --> 00:03:58,680 um 92 00:03:56,099 --> 00:04:00,659 registrations open every day there's no 93 00:03:58,680 --> 00:04:03,540 smoking at the venue please do use the 94 00:04:00,659 --> 00:04:05,640 smoking uh smoking venues outside uh 95 00:04:03,540 --> 00:04:08,580 wash your hands there's sanitizers 96 00:04:05,640 --> 00:04:11,580 Galore at the Reggie that's they smell 97 00:04:08,580 --> 00:04:12,840 amazing please do use them and please 98 00:04:11,580 --> 00:04:15,180 don't come to the conference if you're 99 00:04:12,840 --> 00:04:17,280 unwell and wear your mask if you're 100 00:04:15,180 --> 00:04:20,519 comfortable doing that we also have 101 00:04:17,280 --> 00:04:22,139 internet thank you on it again the we 102 00:04:20,519 --> 00:04:23,820 won't actually post this up on the 103 00:04:22,139 --> 00:04:28,280 slides because we've learned from the 104 00:04:23,820 --> 00:04:28,280 past please ask Reggio for the password 105 00:04:28,620 --> 00:04:33,660 catering so catering morning and 106 00:04:31,080 --> 00:04:35,639 afternoon tea will be provided daily now 107 00:04:33,660 --> 00:04:37,259 it's going to be ridiculously hot the 108 00:04:35,639 --> 00:04:39,479 next few days which is 109 00:04:37,259 --> 00:04:40,199 unlike Melbourne in some ways 110 00:04:39,479 --> 00:04:41,880 um 111 00:04:40,199 --> 00:04:44,400 food and coffee will be available for 112 00:04:41,880 --> 00:04:46,320 purchase on site there is a lunch 113 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:48,360 there are lunch options around which 114 00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:49,860 you'll have to cater for yourselves and 115 00:04:48,360 --> 00:04:53,460 on this lovely map that I created this 116 00:04:49,860 --> 00:04:55,820 morning all the red areas are where food 117 00:04:53,460 --> 00:04:55,820 is 118 00:04:56,880 --> 00:05:01,320 now if you need any help please do ask a 119 00:04:59,340 --> 00:05:03,000 volunteer they will be wearing t-shirts 120 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:04,080 that say volunteer or something similar 121 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:05,639 to this 122 00:05:04,080 --> 00:05:07,259 please see Rego desk and they'll ping 123 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:09,479 one of us 124 00:05:07,259 --> 00:05:10,620 General swag the swag will be up on 125 00:05:09,479 --> 00:05:13,320 Redbubble 126 00:05:10,620 --> 00:05:14,940 for as long as redbubble's around we've 127 00:05:13,320 --> 00:05:16,800 got our net bottles that are available 128 00:05:14,940 --> 00:05:18,680 because it won't be in Linux Australia 129 00:05:16,800 --> 00:05:21,960 conference without an arnet bottle 130 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:24,960 uh hand sanitizers and interestingly 131 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:27,060 there are LCA 2021 mugs 132 00:05:24,960 --> 00:05:29,720 which were in my cupboard and I had to 133 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:29,720 get rid of sorry 134 00:05:30,539 --> 00:05:36,840 lightning talks would I fixed it on this 135 00:05:33,180 --> 00:05:38,759 slide is on Thursday at 4 45 uh submit 136 00:05:36,840 --> 00:05:39,840 your talk proposals to Rego when I tell 137 00:05:38,759 --> 00:05:43,199 them that they're going to be expecting 138 00:05:39,840 --> 00:05:46,259 that at lunchtime and please submit them 139 00:05:43,199 --> 00:05:48,539 by morning tea on Thursday and they'll 140 00:05:46,259 --> 00:05:51,479 go for three minutes each and if you ask 141 00:05:48,539 --> 00:05:53,220 me nicely I will do PowerPoint karaoke 142 00:05:51,479 --> 00:05:54,750 for you and I'll just create some random 143 00:05:53,220 --> 00:05:58,080 slides for you to talk to 144 00:05:54,750 --> 00:06:00,120 [Applause] 145 00:05:58,080 --> 00:06:01,440 Keynotes will be presenting every 146 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:03,600 morning and on Thursday afternoon 147 00:06:01,440 --> 00:06:06,600 there'll be no questions during the 148 00:06:03,600 --> 00:06:08,220 keynote sorry about that and please make 149 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:10,080 sure that you're here by 9am so we can 150 00:06:08,220 --> 00:06:12,600 get started straight away 151 00:06:10,080 --> 00:06:15,900 our lovely lineup 152 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:18,000 how amazing do these people look 153 00:06:15,900 --> 00:06:21,060 so we've got said Channel Wednesday 154 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:24,360 Lindsay on Thursday Hue today and 155 00:06:21,060 --> 00:06:26,759 Rebecca Giblin on Thursday afternoon 156 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:27,780 now the dinner oh my God I love this 157 00:06:26,759 --> 00:06:30,720 place 158 00:06:27,780 --> 00:06:32,100 um so Fortress is a games facility where 159 00:06:30,720 --> 00:06:34,979 you can play computer games there's 160 00:06:32,100 --> 00:06:37,139 board games there's Games Galore there 161 00:06:34,979 --> 00:06:39,600 will be a competition 162 00:06:37,139 --> 00:06:40,759 and there will be a prize so please come 163 00:06:39,600 --> 00:06:43,860 prepped 164 00:06:40,759 --> 00:06:46,199 and you will need a lanyard and your 165 00:06:43,860 --> 00:06:47,699 badge to turn up and get access to food 166 00:06:46,199 --> 00:06:50,639 and all of that sort of fun stuff so 167 00:06:47,699 --> 00:06:52,740 please do bring your badge 168 00:06:50,639 --> 00:06:55,020 code of conduct make sure that you read 169 00:06:52,740 --> 00:06:57,419 the code of conduct and the safety team 170 00:06:55,020 --> 00:07:00,360 is myself Matt sangio who's here 171 00:06:57,419 --> 00:07:03,600 somewhere there he is 172 00:07:00,360 --> 00:07:06,900 and Josh hasca also somewhere oh there 173 00:07:03,600 --> 00:07:09,000 he is so if you need any help please do 174 00:07:06,900 --> 00:07:12,060 ask us the 175 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:14,580 we do have just ping Us in any ways 176 00:07:12,060 --> 00:07:17,220 possible and we also thanks to honest 177 00:07:14,580 --> 00:07:19,500 Rob's used car and VOIP Emporium we have 178 00:07:17,220 --> 00:07:21,979 a 1-300 number now so we can use that 179 00:07:19,500 --> 00:07:21,979 forever 180 00:07:23,099 --> 00:07:26,639 now we do have a charity raffle this 181 00:07:25,199 --> 00:07:29,699 year all proceeds go to everyone 182 00:07:26,639 --> 00:07:31,680 everybody's home now everybody's home is 183 00:07:29,699 --> 00:07:34,919 to support those who are displaced 184 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:37,680 during for a number of reasons and can't 185 00:07:34,919 --> 00:07:40,500 afford rent can't afford to pay for 186 00:07:37,680 --> 00:07:43,139 accommodation or anything like that so 187 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:44,520 please do support this charity because 188 00:07:43,139 --> 00:07:46,740 it's very important especially after 189 00:07:44,520 --> 00:07:48,840 covert people have found themselves 190 00:07:46,740 --> 00:07:51,720 without a home we would like to support 191 00:07:48,840 --> 00:07:54,840 them especially in Melbourne 192 00:07:51,720 --> 00:07:57,979 contact details it's all there if in 193 00:07:54,840 --> 00:07:57,979 doubt call Triple zero 194 00:07:58,199 --> 00:08:02,880 get social with us so we do now have a 195 00:08:00,960 --> 00:08:04,139 mastodon account 196 00:08:02,880 --> 00:08:07,020 um 197 00:08:04,139 --> 00:08:09,620 use the everything open hashtag 198 00:08:07,020 --> 00:08:09,620 now