1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:08,469 foreign 2 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:08,469 [Music] 3 00:00:15,199 --> 00:00:21,060 laptops at the moment 4 00:00:17,400 --> 00:00:22,859 I would like to introduce here who is a 5 00:00:21,060 --> 00:00:24,779 really good friend of ours and a really 6 00:00:22,859 --> 00:00:26,699 good friend of mine and he was so nice 7 00:00:24,779 --> 00:00:28,800 to say yes because I was like oh my God 8 00:00:26,699 --> 00:00:31,439 I need someone awesome to speak it 9 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:33,180 had everything open so I won't actually 10 00:00:31,439 --> 00:00:34,680 introduce him because he is going to do 11 00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:36,059 a significant amount of introducing of 12 00:00:34,680 --> 00:00:39,480 himself I think 13 00:00:36,059 --> 00:00:40,980 um but he is awesome and he will give us 14 00:00:39,480 --> 00:00:43,739 a little treat at the end hopefully 15 00:00:40,980 --> 00:00:46,620 fingers crossed he is the engineering 16 00:00:43,739 --> 00:00:49,520 director leading grafana labs and I 17 00:00:46,620 --> 00:00:51,180 would like to introduce you 18 00:00:49,520 --> 00:00:53,960 [Applause] 19 00:00:51,180 --> 00:00:53,960 thanks Sarah 20 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:58,020 um thank you for that gracious 21 00:00:55,980 --> 00:01:00,059 introduction from uh humbled and quite 22 00:00:58,020 --> 00:01:02,219 honored to be doing the keynote today 23 00:01:00,059 --> 00:01:04,320 for our first ever everything open and 24 00:01:02,219 --> 00:01:06,299 my thanks to the organizing team for 25 00:01:04,320 --> 00:01:08,580 putting it on I have to say looking at 26 00:01:06,299 --> 00:01:11,220 the program with Rebecca Lindsay and Seb 27 00:01:08,580 --> 00:01:12,659 later in the week I'm kind of glad I'm 28 00:01:11,220 --> 00:01:14,580 on first because they do Bloody hard 29 00:01:12,659 --> 00:01:16,619 acts to follow 30 00:01:14,580 --> 00:01:18,900 I'm curious and 31 00:01:16,619 --> 00:01:21,659 um who was at Sydney for Linux conf 2018 32 00:01:18,900 --> 00:01:24,659 and saw my keynote there 33 00:01:21,659 --> 00:01:26,580 a few of you okay so this is going to 34 00:01:24,659 --> 00:01:28,200 seem eerily familiar in places and 35 00:01:26,580 --> 00:01:32,159 unfortunately the jokes will be much the 36 00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:34,619 same so my apologies there 37 00:01:32,159 --> 00:01:37,020 um my initial titles or subtitle for 38 00:01:34,619 --> 00:01:39,360 This was um some observations for 35 39 00:01:37,020 --> 00:01:41,700 years in Tech but I think this byline is 40 00:01:39,360 --> 00:01:43,560 probably a little more accurate I 41 00:01:41,700 --> 00:01:45,659 learned from my mistakes that thus you 42 00:01:43,560 --> 00:01:47,939 might avoid repeating them 43 00:01:45,659 --> 00:01:49,740 I don't make any claims that my story in 44 00:01:47,939 --> 00:01:51,659 the various anecdotes I'm going to share 45 00:01:49,740 --> 00:01:53,280 or anything particularly special but 46 00:01:51,659 --> 00:01:55,500 I've been really fortunate over the 47 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:57,600 years to work with and for some of the 48 00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:58,860 best people I think in our industry and 49 00:01:57,600 --> 00:02:00,840 while their Brilliance may not have 50 00:01:58,860 --> 00:02:02,399 rubbed off I certainly did notice a few 51 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:06,060 things along the way and I'll try and 52 00:02:02,399 --> 00:02:07,439 impart those today a lot of that time a 53 00:02:06,060 --> 00:02:09,179 lot of that time in my career has been 54 00:02:07,439 --> 00:02:11,280 working in the the overall open 55 00:02:09,179 --> 00:02:13,500 technical Commons 56 00:02:11,280 --> 00:02:15,480 uh one way one way or another but before 57 00:02:13,500 --> 00:02:18,480 digging into that I'll uh I'll go back a 58 00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:20,220 little bit in in time my life story is 59 00:02:18,480 --> 00:02:22,500 probably only of interest to my mum 60 00:02:20,220 --> 00:02:24,959 lesser but there's a few things I think 61 00:02:22,500 --> 00:02:27,000 that are relevant for the to set some 62 00:02:24,959 --> 00:02:28,739 context I'm largely self-taught 63 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:30,420 started to pulling things apart doing 64 00:02:28,739 --> 00:02:32,580 Electronics ham radio that kind of thing 65 00:02:30,420 --> 00:02:34,080 for about eight years of age 66 00:02:32,580 --> 00:02:35,580 but school was always a bit of a 67 00:02:34,080 --> 00:02:36,780 struggle I wasn't very good at maths and 68 00:02:35,580 --> 00:02:38,160 it's interesting as you talk to people 69 00:02:36,780 --> 00:02:39,540 you work in Computing you must be really 70 00:02:38,160 --> 00:02:41,459 good at math and I actually I'm not a 71 00:02:39,540 --> 00:02:43,319 really really struggled with it and a 72 00:02:41,459 --> 00:02:45,239 lot of my school reports were along the 73 00:02:43,319 --> 00:02:49,019 lines of blemings would do better if he 74 00:02:45,239 --> 00:02:50,700 applied himself and this um this also 75 00:02:49,019 --> 00:02:52,319 set sets the scene for some of the stuff 76 00:02:50,700 --> 00:02:54,180 I'll talk about a little bit a little 77 00:02:52,319 --> 00:02:55,620 bit later that's me with that was my 78 00:02:54,180 --> 00:02:57,780 pride and joy well I guess technically 79 00:02:55,620 --> 00:03:00,420 the family's Pride enjoy a Commodore 80 00:02:57,780 --> 00:03:02,519 4016 with a massive 16 kilobytes of ram 81 00:03:00,420 --> 00:03:04,500 it was an eight megahertz once eight 82 00:03:02,519 --> 00:03:07,739 megahertz sorry 83 00:03:04,500 --> 00:03:10,319 one megahertz 6502 CPU I showed this 84 00:03:07,739 --> 00:03:12,120 same the same photo in 2018 and I told 85 00:03:10,319 --> 00:03:14,099 them the story how wonderful it was when 86 00:03:12,120 --> 00:03:16,620 we got the upgrade to 32k and I've since 87 00:03:14,099 --> 00:03:18,959 found a kind of a cool photo just 88 00:03:16,620 --> 00:03:20,599 recently the this is a shorter part of 89 00:03:18,959 --> 00:03:22,920 the the motherboard of that particular 90 00:03:20,599 --> 00:03:24,180 particular system and this shows you the 91 00:03:22,920 --> 00:03:26,220 lengths that the manufacturers would 92 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:28,739 then go to to make it hard for you to 93 00:03:26,220 --> 00:03:30,840 upgrade the memory of course that that's 94 00:03:28,739 --> 00:03:31,920 showing for the eight memory chips in 95 00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:33,659 the in the system of course the 96 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:36,180 enterprising Hardware hackers of the day 97 00:03:33,659 --> 00:03:38,459 simply sold the chipset anyway and used 98 00:03:36,180 --> 00:03:39,959 blue wires to link them across now that 99 00:03:38,459 --> 00:03:41,220 sort of hack is pretty easy to do at a 100 00:03:39,959 --> 00:03:43,260 megahertz it's fair to say you're not 101 00:03:41,220 --> 00:03:45,620 going to do that on a ddr4 or ddr5 102 00:03:43,260 --> 00:03:45,620 system 103 00:03:46,140 --> 00:03:50,879 that computer was also formative to me 104 00:03:48,900 --> 00:03:52,620 um I guess in a different way because 105 00:03:50,879 --> 00:03:54,420 through it I also got my first exposure 106 00:03:52,620 --> 00:03:56,220 to electronics electronic music and I 107 00:03:54,420 --> 00:03:57,720 guess what would thinking back to it now 108 00:03:56,220 --> 00:03:59,640 would broadly be the precursor to 109 00:03:57,720 --> 00:04:02,340 chiptune sort of sort of stuff and this 110 00:03:59,640 --> 00:04:04,019 is even before Sid chips but it was um 111 00:04:02,340 --> 00:04:06,599 that was to create some surprising 112 00:04:04,019 --> 00:04:08,519 opportunities for me later and also put 113 00:04:06,599 --> 00:04:10,920 me on a path to buy my first of many too 114 00:04:08,519 --> 00:04:13,620 many synthesizers and from that a 115 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:15,060 lifelong love of music 116 00:04:13,620 --> 00:04:16,799 they're not going to talk unfortunately 117 00:04:15,060 --> 00:04:18,840 too much about microprocessors on this 118 00:04:16,799 --> 00:04:20,760 keynote but I couldn't resist the 119 00:04:18,840 --> 00:04:22,380 temptation to put at least a die photo 120 00:04:20,760 --> 00:04:26,240 in this case this is a night back in 121 00:04:22,380 --> 00:04:29,460 1975. this is a 6502 with about 3500 122 00:04:26,240 --> 00:04:31,979 transistors a modern power 10 CPU from 123 00:04:29,460 --> 00:04:34,740 IBM power the open power Eco system has 124 00:04:31,979 --> 00:04:36,180 got 36 billion that's seven orders of 125 00:04:34,740 --> 00:04:37,860 magnitude more 126 00:04:36,180 --> 00:04:39,900 um we really have come quite a long 127 00:04:37,860 --> 00:04:41,580 quite a long way but to finish up those 128 00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:43,800 finish up the intros I guess through 129 00:04:41,580 --> 00:04:45,300 rather unexpected series of events 130 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:47,040 including me working in a music shop and 131 00:04:45,300 --> 00:04:48,780 having a particular customer asked me a 132 00:04:47,040 --> 00:04:52,080 question about media twitch I replied oh 133 00:04:48,780 --> 00:04:53,940 it's 31 2.25 kiloboard 8 Bits And it's 134 00:04:52,080 --> 00:04:55,139 five milliamp current Loop up to 135 00:04:53,940 --> 00:04:57,060 isolated it's like why are you working 136 00:04:55,139 --> 00:04:58,680 in a music shop sort of thing why don't 137 00:04:57,060 --> 00:05:00,479 you go and explore things professionally 138 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:01,860 which I then did went off worked in 139 00:05:00,479 --> 00:05:04,259 engineering firm 140 00:05:01,860 --> 00:05:05,940 doing some Electronics design and 141 00:05:04,259 --> 00:05:08,880 embedded programming in particular got 142 00:05:05,940 --> 00:05:10,139 my start doing C in December and I think 143 00:05:08,880 --> 00:05:12,900 that's quite it was quite a useful way 144 00:05:10,139 --> 00:05:14,340 to start a lot of twists and turns since 145 00:05:12,900 --> 00:05:15,660 um including a wonderful time at the 146 00:05:14,340 --> 00:05:17,639 open power Foundation which I'll touch 147 00:05:15,660 --> 00:05:19,320 on briefly later on but now I'm at 148 00:05:17,639 --> 00:05:21,000 grafana and now leading a particularly 149 00:05:19,320 --> 00:05:22,440 wonderful bunch of people and back to 150 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:24,419 what I've realized is on my real perfect 151 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:27,840 real passions in a professional sense 152 00:05:24,419 --> 00:05:29,400 and that is um is people management I 153 00:05:27,840 --> 00:05:30,419 should say too and while grafana is 154 00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:32,580 supposed to support him in getting here 155 00:05:30,419 --> 00:05:34,620 today I'm speaking for myself only for 156 00:05:32,580 --> 00:05:36,240 the most part in this in this session 157 00:05:34,620 --> 00:05:38,759 anyway I'm starting a bit more topical 158 00:05:36,240 --> 00:05:41,520 Linux Australia 159 00:05:38,759 --> 00:05:43,860 so I've done a few retrospectives in the 160 00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:45,120 past of Linux value the uh the 161 00:05:43,860 --> 00:05:46,320 conference itself but this time we're 162 00:05:45,120 --> 00:05:49,380 going to try and focus a little bit more 163 00:05:46,320 --> 00:05:52,139 on Linux Australia proper the two are 164 00:05:49,380 --> 00:05:53,940 obviously quite inexorably linked but I 165 00:05:52,139 --> 00:05:57,600 think it's it's time we used to gave 166 00:05:53,940 --> 00:05:59,100 gave La it's due in these sorts of sorts 167 00:05:57,600 --> 00:06:01,620 of events 168 00:05:59,100 --> 00:06:03,450 courtesy of the Wayback machine we have 169 00:06:01,620 --> 00:06:04,919 the uh La website I know right 170 00:06:03,450 --> 00:06:08,340 [Applause] 171 00:06:04,919 --> 00:06:10,080 so to set the scene it's 1997.98 around 172 00:06:08,340 --> 00:06:11,280 there around that severe and pretty much 173 00:06:10,080 --> 00:06:13,320 all the Australian States and 174 00:06:11,280 --> 00:06:15,840 territories have a Linux user group for 175 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:17,100 some of some kind and we need to 176 00:06:15,840 --> 00:06:18,479 remember back at that particular point 177 00:06:17,100 --> 00:06:20,100 in time installing Linux was quite 178 00:06:18,479 --> 00:06:21,479 difficult it was by name as a given that 179 00:06:20,100 --> 00:06:23,699 it would work on your Hardware that sort 180 00:06:21,479 --> 00:06:25,680 of thing so lugs played a particularly 181 00:06:23,699 --> 00:06:28,020 important role in just bootstrapping 182 00:06:25,680 --> 00:06:30,660 that initial uh that initial experience 183 00:06:28,020 --> 00:06:32,160 for people Terry Dawson and Gary allpike 184 00:06:30,660 --> 00:06:33,479 who are two members of the Sydney Linux 185 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:35,340 users group got chatting and they 186 00:06:33,479 --> 00:06:37,380 figured that well we're starting to see 187 00:06:35,340 --> 00:06:38,819 all these estate-based Regional 188 00:06:37,380 --> 00:06:41,220 state-based 189 00:06:38,819 --> 00:06:43,020 uh user groups maybe we need some sort 190 00:06:41,220 --> 00:06:45,419 of umbrella organization so we can share 191 00:06:43,020 --> 00:06:47,880 share the load where it makes sense to 192 00:06:45,419 --> 00:06:50,639 do so and and have a common voice to 193 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:52,380 government and those sorts of things 194 00:06:50,639 --> 00:06:54,360 um some logs are in favor others were 195 00:06:52,380 --> 00:06:57,060 less so which sort of sounds familiar 196 00:06:54,360 --> 00:06:59,520 with to this day to some extent but this 197 00:06:57,060 --> 00:07:01,199 is um this is certainly the conversation 198 00:06:59,520 --> 00:07:02,460 kind of got kicked off and bear in mind 199 00:07:01,199 --> 00:07:03,600 all this has been done and everything 200 00:07:02,460 --> 00:07:05,639 actually I'm going to talk about today 201 00:07:03,600 --> 00:07:07,259 for the most part is being done by by 202 00:07:05,639 --> 00:07:08,819 volunteers 203 00:07:07,259 --> 00:07:10,199 but around the same time there's a 204 00:07:08,819 --> 00:07:11,819 certain Linux kernel developer from 205 00:07:10,199 --> 00:07:12,780 Adelaide is making some Rumblings about 206 00:07:11,819 --> 00:07:15,120 running 207 00:07:12,780 --> 00:07:17,699 an open source conference this is this 208 00:07:15,120 --> 00:07:19,139 is Rusty Russell Rusty's aim is to bring 209 00:07:17,699 --> 00:07:21,660 together the Australian and 210 00:07:19,139 --> 00:07:23,400 international Linux communities and and 211 00:07:21,660 --> 00:07:25,080 sort of this being in these early days 212 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:26,880 it was not a given that a lot of these 213 00:07:25,080 --> 00:07:30,180 contacts had been made so he approached 214 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:31,740 the organizers of um the still under 215 00:07:30,180 --> 00:07:32,880 formation Linux Australian said look I'd 216 00:07:31,740 --> 00:07:33,960 really like to run this conference do 217 00:07:32,880 --> 00:07:36,120 you think you could help out with the 218 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:38,759 insurance sort of be the the body that 219 00:07:36,120 --> 00:07:40,860 sits behind us and as Terry tells the 220 00:07:38,759 --> 00:07:42,419 story this has prompted them to take 221 00:07:40,860 --> 00:07:43,620 their conversations and yeah we should 222 00:07:42,419 --> 00:07:45,060 do something to do we better get 223 00:07:43,620 --> 00:07:47,220 something something done so they 224 00:07:45,060 --> 00:07:50,220 Incorporated Linux Australia in New 225 00:07:47,220 --> 00:07:52,199 South Wales in order to facilitate the 226 00:07:50,220 --> 00:07:55,500 in myself things to facilitate the 227 00:07:52,199 --> 00:07:58,440 running of kalu Terry was the first uh 228 00:07:55,500 --> 00:08:00,180 first president of the organization 229 00:07:58,440 --> 00:08:02,099 the apocryphal story is about rusty 230 00:08:00,180 --> 00:08:03,660 rusty funding Kelly on his credit cards 231 00:08:02,099 --> 00:08:05,280 are actually true they did actually get 232 00:08:03,660 --> 00:08:07,139 his money back on whatever was left over 233 00:08:05,280 --> 00:08:08,819 I think he then donated back to Linux 234 00:08:07,139 --> 00:08:10,680 Australia this is an era where we had no 235 00:08:08,819 --> 00:08:12,479 networking no Wi-Fi and slash dot was 236 00:08:10,680 --> 00:08:13,740 kind of at the heights of its power so 237 00:08:12,479 --> 00:08:15,599 people actually printed it off each 238 00:08:13,740 --> 00:08:18,440 morning so people could get their their 239 00:08:15,599 --> 00:08:18,440 slash dot fix 240 00:08:18,539 --> 00:08:22,919 this is the um where are we now 2000 so 241 00:08:21,360 --> 00:08:26,400 it's a little bit later this is the LA 242 00:08:22,919 --> 00:08:28,259 website in the in November 2000 Terry 243 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:30,060 tells a nice story about the jobs board 244 00:08:28,259 --> 00:08:32,520 which you can see on the left there 245 00:08:30,060 --> 00:08:34,860 about three three down the jobs board 246 00:08:32,520 --> 00:08:36,899 has kind of been a feature of links 247 00:08:34,860 --> 00:08:39,120 Australia pretty well since 2000 Prima 248 00:08:36,899 --> 00:08:40,860 and to this day he tells us Terry tells 249 00:08:39,120 --> 00:08:42,719 the story that he um 250 00:08:40,860 --> 00:08:43,919 he was looking for a job and he saw a 251 00:08:42,719 --> 00:08:46,260 post on there from this company called 252 00:08:43,919 --> 00:08:47,760 Dolby Labs pretty well known right who 253 00:08:46,260 --> 00:08:49,560 needed a system administrator come 254 00:08:47,760 --> 00:08:52,080 programmer come General Linux Guru and 255 00:08:49,560 --> 00:08:54,480 he's in fact there to this day some 23 256 00:08:52,080 --> 00:08:55,320 years on so something to be said for 257 00:08:54,480 --> 00:08:56,880 that 258 00:08:55,320 --> 00:08:59,339 the 259 00:08:56,880 --> 00:09:00,779 uh still running in stool Fest is still 260 00:08:59,339 --> 00:09:02,160 a common thing to give some quick 261 00:09:00,779 --> 00:09:03,720 context there as I mentioned earlier 262 00:09:02,160 --> 00:09:05,640 sort of installing linux's binomial is 263 00:09:03,720 --> 00:09:07,620 Trivial but even downloading the isos or 264 00:09:05,640 --> 00:09:09,660 more likely the floppy images you needed 265 00:09:07,620 --> 00:09:11,640 to install was was not not 266 00:09:09,660 --> 00:09:13,019 inconsequential task on a slow modem 267 00:09:11,640 --> 00:09:14,700 connection slowing stall Fest were 268 00:09:13,019 --> 00:09:15,899 particular popular 269 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:17,100 um that you can't see but it's down the 270 00:09:15,899 --> 00:09:19,380 bottom you can see that don't have a 271 00:09:17,100 --> 00:09:20,700 look on the uh the Wayback machine if 272 00:09:19,380 --> 00:09:22,500 you want more but this at that point 273 00:09:20,700 --> 00:09:24,480 legit links Australia is sponsored by 274 00:09:22,500 --> 00:09:29,160 digital who now sadly defunct became 275 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:31,500 Compact and was assumed into into HP 276 00:09:29,160 --> 00:09:33,140 around the um same time we had the first 277 00:09:31,500 --> 00:09:35,399 Linux 278 00:09:33,140 --> 00:09:37,019 confirmary and the Sydney crew ran what 279 00:09:35,399 --> 00:09:39,180 became the first event and that kind of 280 00:09:37,019 --> 00:09:41,160 first links can't fight you and that 281 00:09:39,180 --> 00:09:44,399 kicked off what's become the the normal 282 00:09:41,160 --> 00:09:45,959 was the norm I suppose for um lcas to be 283 00:09:44,399 --> 00:09:47,940 a roving conference 284 00:09:45,959 --> 00:09:49,500 uh Rusty sword never run another 285 00:09:47,940 --> 00:09:51,420 conference again but he did still stay 286 00:09:49,500 --> 00:09:52,740 involved and he auctioned off a couple 287 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:54,959 of t-shirts and it was quite a nice 288 00:09:52,740 --> 00:09:56,519 Synergy from this to what Sarah was just 289 00:09:54,959 --> 00:09:58,140 mentioning with the raffle at this this 290 00:09:56,519 --> 00:09:59,459 concept of fundraising has been the 291 00:09:58,140 --> 00:10:01,019 important part of the overall Linux 292 00:09:59,459 --> 00:10:03,120 Australian makeup particularly with our 293 00:10:01,019 --> 00:10:04,620 events for many many years now with 294 00:10:03,120 --> 00:10:07,320 thousands and thousands of dollars going 295 00:10:04,620 --> 00:10:09,720 to various good causes both within the 296 00:10:07,320 --> 00:10:11,399 tech sector but also external external 297 00:10:09,720 --> 00:10:13,260 to that but this was to the point where 298 00:10:11,399 --> 00:10:15,480 Linux Australia really started going 299 00:10:13,260 --> 00:10:17,300 some momentum in the 2000s saw two 300 00:10:15,480 --> 00:10:21,540 excuse me 301 00:10:17,300 --> 00:10:24,120 2002 Anand was voted from the Civics 302 00:10:21,540 --> 00:10:26,399 users group was voted in as president in 303 00:10:24,120 --> 00:10:27,779 2003 we saw Peter Andrews elected as 304 00:10:26,399 --> 00:10:29,700 president and this sort of starts a 305 00:10:27,779 --> 00:10:31,320 period which in my view and I think that 306 00:10:29,700 --> 00:10:32,880 had been in in indeed Terry was also 307 00:10:31,320 --> 00:10:34,200 this view this is really where Linux 308 00:10:32,880 --> 00:10:35,760 Australia as we now know today really 309 00:10:34,200 --> 00:10:37,560 started to kick into gear when we had 310 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:40,880 this the PowerHouse that was peer sort 311 00:10:37,560 --> 00:10:40,880 of driving driving things along 312 00:10:41,459 --> 00:10:47,279 2004 a little bit of a website revamp a 313 00:10:44,459 --> 00:10:49,680 new logo for for Linux Australia but 314 00:10:47,279 --> 00:10:51,779 back in 2003 was a somewhat significant 315 00:10:49,680 --> 00:10:53,160 event for us for this the um for Linux 316 00:10:51,779 --> 00:10:54,720 Club value and I guess the the overall 317 00:10:53,160 --> 00:10:57,540 open source ecosystem in Australia it's 318 00:10:54,720 --> 00:10:59,100 the first time lennis tool showed up to 319 00:10:57,540 --> 00:11:01,260 um to one of the sessions he actually 320 00:10:59,100 --> 00:11:03,000 appeared in a penguin suit at LCA in 321 00:11:01,260 --> 00:11:04,560 Perth which was kind of funny but 322 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:06,000 perhaps rather foolishly learned to say 323 00:11:04,560 --> 00:11:08,100 well look I'll come back but only if you 324 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:09,480 organize a dunk tank which of course the 325 00:11:08,100 --> 00:11:13,040 Adelaide team were more than happy to 326 00:11:09,480 --> 00:11:15,480 have you to oblige 327 00:11:13,040 --> 00:11:18,180 2005 install Fest are very much a thing 328 00:11:15,480 --> 00:11:20,339 La website from that period knows the 329 00:11:18,180 --> 00:11:21,959 AGM those sorts of things and trigger's 330 00:11:20,339 --> 00:11:22,740 talking about Andrew trich or Andrew 331 00:11:21,959 --> 00:11:24,300 Trudeau is talking about 332 00:11:22,740 --> 00:11:28,640 interoperability with Version Control 333 00:11:24,300 --> 00:11:28,640 Systems at LCA in 2005. 334 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:32,100 it's one of those kind of funny if 335 00:11:30,720 --> 00:11:35,040 you're there you know but for those of 336 00:11:32,100 --> 00:11:37,260 you that won't weren't present to wrote 337 00:11:35,040 --> 00:11:38,760 a tool that was allowed interoperability 338 00:11:37,260 --> 00:11:40,200 with a particular proprietary version 339 00:11:38,760 --> 00:11:42,060 control system which at the time 340 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:45,000 somewhat controversial is being used to 341 00:11:42,060 --> 00:11:47,940 manage the the Linux Source Linux source 342 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:49,980 code versioning and so forth it's fair 343 00:11:47,940 --> 00:11:51,360 to say I think that that was a catalyst 344 00:11:49,980 --> 00:11:53,640 for Linus to actually go on and write 345 00:11:51,360 --> 00:11:55,920 get the the source code management tool 346 00:11:53,640 --> 00:11:57,720 that we all know and mostly love to this 347 00:11:55,920 --> 00:12:00,120 day and it was interesting talking to 348 00:11:57,720 --> 00:12:01,620 Linus when we're in New Zealand ferocio 349 00:12:00,120 --> 00:12:03,300 a couple of years ago and he put He 350 00:12:01,620 --> 00:12:05,519 explained that these days he's actually 351 00:12:03,300 --> 00:12:09,320 better known for his work on git than on 352 00:12:05,519 --> 00:12:09,320 the Linux kernel itself 353 00:12:09,380 --> 00:12:14,040 on LCA for a moment this is also the 354 00:12:12,240 --> 00:12:15,899 first time we crossed the ditch over to 355 00:12:14,040 --> 00:12:17,640 and ran an LCA 356 00:12:15,899 --> 00:12:19,320 in New Zealand we've always enjoyed a 357 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:21,899 very Collegiate relationship with our 358 00:12:19,320 --> 00:12:23,760 lovely cousins across the across the sea 359 00:12:21,899 --> 00:12:27,000 and this is the first time we had an LCA 360 00:12:23,760 --> 00:12:28,620 in 2000 and I think the gentleman 361 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:30,300 pictured um 362 00:12:28,620 --> 00:12:32,040 is perhaps not as well known as he 363 00:12:30,300 --> 00:12:34,019 should be but as van Jacobson who is the 364 00:12:32,040 --> 00:12:36,300 author of The TCP header compression 365 00:12:34,019 --> 00:12:37,860 algorithm a deep underpinning of 366 00:12:36,300 --> 00:12:39,360 everything that in the mod even to this 367 00:12:37,860 --> 00:12:40,920 day in the modern internet The Story 368 00:12:39,360 --> 00:12:42,839 Goes that van Jacobson is wandering 369 00:12:40,920 --> 00:12:44,160 around so he'd no one was really quite 370 00:12:42,839 --> 00:12:45,540 sure who he was but he offered to help 371 00:12:44,160 --> 00:12:46,800 and I said well sure can you crimp 372 00:12:45,540 --> 00:12:51,779 network cables 373 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:54,180 sure okay so off he went that's um 374 00:12:51,779 --> 00:12:55,800 that's links Australia the other thing I 375 00:12:54,180 --> 00:12:57,420 wanted to pull out on this particular 376 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:59,120 side 2006 377 00:12:57,420 --> 00:13:01,740 um we see Linux Australia being very 378 00:12:59,120 --> 00:13:03,120 active in advocacy to government and 379 00:13:01,740 --> 00:13:06,000 that's something that's continued to 380 00:13:03,120 --> 00:13:08,100 this day as La has sought and I think 381 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:10,019 been quite effective in being one of 382 00:13:08,100 --> 00:13:11,880 particular voices to the the Australian 383 00:13:10,019 --> 00:13:14,399 public sector around open source policy 384 00:13:11,880 --> 00:13:15,899 and that sort of that sort of thing 385 00:13:14,399 --> 00:13:18,060 someone else is a Linux Australia 386 00:13:15,899 --> 00:13:20,339 they've done or glad you asked well it's 387 00:13:18,060 --> 00:13:22,680 fair to say that LCA or Lynx coffee has 388 00:13:20,339 --> 00:13:24,779 been a big part of what La has done over 389 00:13:22,680 --> 00:13:26,399 the years but it's by no means the only 390 00:13:24,779 --> 00:13:29,760 thing that's done much more than just 391 00:13:26,399 --> 00:13:32,160 facilitating LCA it's auspiced many 392 00:13:29,760 --> 00:13:34,079 other conferences as we've listed there 393 00:13:32,160 --> 00:13:35,880 we were talking at dinner last night 394 00:13:34,079 --> 00:13:38,940 with a few friends from the open 395 00:13:35,880 --> 00:13:42,300 community and we reckon all told the 396 00:13:38,940 --> 00:13:43,920 number of attendees for La run or 397 00:13:42,300 --> 00:13:46,260 auspiced events over the years must be 398 00:13:43,920 --> 00:13:48,079 well over 10 000 people by now which is 399 00:13:46,260 --> 00:13:52,380 quite impressive for a small 400 00:13:48,079 --> 00:13:52,380 volunteer run organization 401 00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:58,980 La also has a grant scheme I think still 402 00:13:55,740 --> 00:14:01,320 do we yes I think yes um please please 403 00:13:58,980 --> 00:14:03,060 enroll please apply there's um there's 404 00:14:01,320 --> 00:14:05,700 money there for good causes to 405 00:14:03,060 --> 00:14:07,920 facilitate open source related projects 406 00:14:05,700 --> 00:14:09,720 LA's run various different awards at 407 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:11,399 different points along the way done 408 00:14:09,720 --> 00:14:14,880 member surveys and generally looked at 409 00:14:11,399 --> 00:14:17,519 engagement but all this is um very much 410 00:14:14,880 --> 00:14:19,079 on the as I said being run by run by 411 00:14:17,519 --> 00:14:20,700 volunteers 412 00:14:19,079 --> 00:14:22,680 yeah there's a little bit of audience 413 00:14:20,700 --> 00:14:25,579 participation at this point if you may I 414 00:14:22,680 --> 00:14:25,579 was going to have a quick drink of water 415 00:14:26,100 --> 00:14:32,940 thank you I'm done um 416 00:14:30,060 --> 00:14:34,800 so can I ask if you've been involved in 417 00:14:32,940 --> 00:14:36,060 a voluntary capacity with Linux 418 00:14:34,800 --> 00:14:37,500 Australia or any of the conferences or 419 00:14:36,060 --> 00:14:39,000 other activities in Australia New 420 00:14:37,500 --> 00:14:40,800 Zealand and you're comfortable doing so 421 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:42,060 would you just take a moment to stand if 422 00:14:40,800 --> 00:14:44,279 we can so we can seek all these 423 00:14:42,060 --> 00:14:45,839 wonderful people are 424 00:14:44,279 --> 00:14:46,280 I think a bit of a show of appreciation 425 00:14:45,839 --> 00:14:51,820 for 426 00:14:46,280 --> 00:14:51,820 [Applause] 427 00:14:53,390 --> 00:14:58,019 [Music] 428 00:14:55,500 --> 00:15:00,120 fix it thanks for that 429 00:14:58,019 --> 00:15:02,880 thanks for that so speaking of 430 00:15:00,120 --> 00:15:05,639 volunteers and that sort of stuff 431 00:15:02,880 --> 00:15:07,980 this is going to be my one rant 432 00:15:05,639 --> 00:15:09,180 for the dot for the or proximately you 433 00:15:07,980 --> 00:15:13,040 know most people know not really the 434 00:15:09,180 --> 00:15:13,040 ranty kind of a kind of a type 435 00:15:13,380 --> 00:15:18,360 I was reflecting on 436 00:15:15,959 --> 00:15:20,220 links Australia and the whole volunteer 437 00:15:18,360 --> 00:15:22,740 the concept of volunteering in the open 438 00:15:20,220 --> 00:15:24,899 source Community as a whole and and 439 00:15:22,740 --> 00:15:26,699 particularly with some events 440 00:15:24,899 --> 00:15:28,079 over the last 18 months and I'm actually 441 00:15:26,699 --> 00:15:29,579 Choosing My Words a little carefully 442 00:15:28,079 --> 00:15:30,959 here I'm not just pausing for dramatic 443 00:15:29,579 --> 00:15:33,000 effect 444 00:15:30,959 --> 00:15:35,279 but one of the things that I continue to 445 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:38,579 be amazed by is the simple absence of 446 00:15:35,279 --> 00:15:39,600 kindness in many of our interactions uh 447 00:15:38,579 --> 00:15:40,860 when we when we're dealing on 448 00:15:39,600 --> 00:15:42,899 particularly on demanding lists and 449 00:15:40,860 --> 00:15:44,339 particularly the thing that's a 450 00:15:42,899 --> 00:15:46,260 nearly got me getting really really 451 00:15:44,339 --> 00:15:48,420 ranty was some some discussions on the 452 00:15:46,260 --> 00:15:50,220 Linux Australian mailing list indeed 453 00:15:48,420 --> 00:15:52,500 sometimes the vitriol 454 00:15:50,220 --> 00:15:53,880 that we have on these lists you just saw 455 00:15:52,500 --> 00:15:56,100 a bunch of people standing up who 456 00:15:53,880 --> 00:15:59,040 volunteered in links Australia these are 457 00:15:56,100 --> 00:16:00,899 the people that when the protagonists of 458 00:15:59,040 --> 00:16:02,519 people who could perhaps pause and not 459 00:16:00,899 --> 00:16:03,899 sent that email or thought a little bit 460 00:16:02,519 --> 00:16:06,300 more deeply or phrase it in a different 461 00:16:03,899 --> 00:16:08,279 way or perhaps even phrase it as a as a 462 00:16:06,300 --> 00:16:10,500 private inquiry rather than accusatory 463 00:16:08,279 --> 00:16:12,720 why the hell are you doing sort of thing 464 00:16:10,500 --> 00:16:15,240 these are the people you're attacking 465 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:16,920 I'd encourage all of you you're all fine 466 00:16:15,240 --> 00:16:19,079 I'm sure it's no one in this room but 467 00:16:16,920 --> 00:16:20,160 those that are watching online 468 00:16:19,079 --> 00:16:22,680 um 469 00:16:20,160 --> 00:16:24,240 but I would really 470 00:16:22,680 --> 00:16:25,800 deeply encourage all of you to think 471 00:16:24,240 --> 00:16:27,480 about approaching 472 00:16:25,800 --> 00:16:28,860 your future interactions on the links 473 00:16:27,480 --> 00:16:30,839 Australia mailing list and indeed 474 00:16:28,860 --> 00:16:33,300 anything in the in our overall open 475 00:16:30,839 --> 00:16:35,279 technical Commons with a bit of kindness 476 00:16:33,300 --> 00:16:38,090 and remember that you're dealing with 477 00:16:35,279 --> 00:16:41,789 Volunteers in every case 478 00:16:38,090 --> 00:16:41,789 [Applause] 479 00:16:43,339 --> 00:16:48,300 thank you 480 00:16:46,199 --> 00:16:49,740 right that's the rant over 481 00:16:48,300 --> 00:16:51,060 uh there was one more but that's 482 00:16:49,740 --> 00:16:52,620 involves so don't you know when you're 483 00:16:51,060 --> 00:16:53,940 writing applications please don't over 484 00:16:52,620 --> 00:16:55,440 commit memory because in virtualized 485 00:16:53,940 --> 00:16:58,920 environments it's really really hard to 486 00:16:55,440 --> 00:17:00,600 sort of fake that but I'll um we'll wait 487 00:16:58,920 --> 00:17:01,920 for some let some expert actually to 488 00:17:00,600 --> 00:17:05,100 talk about it at some point in the 489 00:17:01,920 --> 00:17:06,240 future but it's anyway and I have one 490 00:17:05,100 --> 00:17:09,059 bad joke speaking of programming 491 00:17:06,240 --> 00:17:11,299 languages I have an assertion to make 492 00:17:09,059 --> 00:17:14,459 all right okay 493 00:17:11,299 --> 00:17:16,319 so I don't normally read my slides but I 494 00:17:14,459 --> 00:17:18,480 will in this case I would my assertion 495 00:17:16,319 --> 00:17:20,220 is between Australia and New Zealand we 496 00:17:18,480 --> 00:17:22,199 have for our population one of the most 497 00:17:20,220 --> 00:17:23,579 wonderfully vibrant free and open source 498 00:17:22,199 --> 00:17:25,140 communities in the world it's not 499 00:17:23,579 --> 00:17:27,120 without its flaws and Wobbles to be sure 500 00:17:25,140 --> 00:17:28,799 but we have a positive impact out of 501 00:17:27,120 --> 00:17:33,380 proportion with the modest population of 502 00:17:28,799 --> 00:17:33,380 the two countries in question yeah 503 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:37,080 now I'm not saying this to be 504 00:17:35,820 --> 00:17:38,400 nationalistic I'm just making an 505 00:17:37,080 --> 00:17:40,260 observation about 506 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:42,419 um the population density in population 507 00:17:40,260 --> 00:17:44,100 size but all of us here and all and 508 00:17:42,419 --> 00:17:45,720 those watching are part of a wonderful 509 00:17:44,100 --> 00:17:47,580 technical Commerce so I thought it might 510 00:17:45,720 --> 00:17:49,020 be nice to take a moment to ignite some 511 00:17:47,580 --> 00:17:51,059 of the people projects and companies 512 00:17:49,020 --> 00:17:52,740 from Australia New Zealand have been key 513 00:17:51,059 --> 00:17:54,840 to that success and to just to 514 00:17:52,740 --> 00:17:56,340 illustrate how rich that Heritage we 515 00:17:54,840 --> 00:17:57,840 have 516 00:17:56,340 --> 00:17:59,640 so this is a bit of an eye chart if 517 00:17:57,840 --> 00:18:01,080 you're in my 2018 talk you would have 518 00:17:59,640 --> 00:18:03,539 seen a similar thing it has been updated 519 00:18:01,080 --> 00:18:04,919 but basically what I sought to do here 520 00:18:03,539 --> 00:18:06,840 was saying well who are the people that 521 00:18:04,919 --> 00:18:08,280 I've admired and projects both people 522 00:18:06,840 --> 00:18:10,020 projects and companies over the years 523 00:18:08,280 --> 00:18:12,000 and then I talked to a few of those and 524 00:18:10,020 --> 00:18:13,559 pulled out a few few names and a few 525 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:17,400 projects this will be available online 526 00:18:13,559 --> 00:18:18,840 so you can look later and but it's 527 00:18:17,400 --> 00:18:21,600 clearly not exhaustive that would be a 528 00:18:18,840 --> 00:18:23,700 much denser slide and I'm sure I've made 529 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:26,280 emissions in any in errors in which case 530 00:18:23,700 --> 00:18:27,419 they're minor I do do apologize but I 531 00:18:26,280 --> 00:18:29,160 thought I'd just take a few minutes to 532 00:18:27,419 --> 00:18:30,480 call out a few that come to mind just to 533 00:18:29,160 --> 00:18:31,919 give some examples of the wonderful 534 00:18:30,480 --> 00:18:33,299 contributions that the Australia New 535 00:18:31,919 --> 00:18:34,740 Zealand free and open source software 536 00:18:33,299 --> 00:18:37,919 Community has made to the broader open 537 00:18:34,740 --> 00:18:40,940 technical open technical Commons the 538 00:18:37,919 --> 00:18:43,740 first one which I nearly missed 539 00:18:40,940 --> 00:18:45,360 is um and embarrassing I actually 540 00:18:43,740 --> 00:18:47,100 brought the John Lyons text to be able 541 00:18:45,360 --> 00:18:48,419 to hold up which of course is in my bag 542 00:18:47,100 --> 00:18:49,940 so I'm not going to jump off stage but 543 00:18:48,419 --> 00:18:53,760 maybe we'll pass it around 544 00:18:49,940 --> 00:18:56,340 so the the Lions commentary on Unix 545 00:18:53,760 --> 00:18:58,980 in 1976 included source code which was 546 00:18:56,340 --> 00:19:01,559 at the time the only real documentation 547 00:18:58,980 --> 00:19:03,900 available on Linux on Unix I should say 548 00:19:01,559 --> 00:19:05,280 outside Bell labs and of significance 549 00:19:03,900 --> 00:19:07,620 was the fact that the sixth edition 550 00:19:05,280 --> 00:19:10,320 allowed classroom use of the source code 551 00:19:07,620 --> 00:19:12,299 the seventh and subsequence editions did 552 00:19:10,320 --> 00:19:13,740 not which made it the book spread sort 553 00:19:12,299 --> 00:19:15,360 of made basically the book spread like 554 00:19:13,740 --> 00:19:16,799 wildfire on the photocopy machine 555 00:19:15,360 --> 00:19:18,900 because you couldn't buy it once you 556 00:19:16,799 --> 00:19:21,179 couldn't buy the new edition the the 557 00:19:18,900 --> 00:19:23,039 older copper version became quite quite 558 00:19:21,179 --> 00:19:24,840 valuable but it's commonly held to be 559 00:19:23,039 --> 00:19:26,520 one of the most copied books in computer 560 00:19:24,840 --> 00:19:28,380 science which I think is not bad for an 561 00:19:26,520 --> 00:19:32,280 australian-based computer scientist and 562 00:19:28,380 --> 00:19:34,140 John uh John Lyons cursed me too it's 563 00:19:32,280 --> 00:19:35,580 almost 50 years ago so I guess in 2026 564 00:19:34,140 --> 00:19:37,080 we should probably think about some sort 565 00:19:35,580 --> 00:19:41,039 of appropriate commemoration or 566 00:19:37,080 --> 00:19:43,260 recognition of that of that milestone 567 00:19:41,039 --> 00:19:45,900 Peter Andrews will lead need relatively 568 00:19:43,260 --> 00:19:47,340 little introduction I suspect to this at 569 00:19:45,900 --> 00:19:48,900 this particular group but as I mentioned 570 00:19:47,340 --> 00:19:51,120 earlier P was instrumental in kicking on 571 00:19:48,900 --> 00:19:53,640 Linux Australia in 2003 she's since gone 572 00:19:51,120 --> 00:19:55,260 on to do gov hack open data normalizing 573 00:19:53,640 --> 00:19:56,539 open source basically just just about 574 00:19:55,260 --> 00:19:59,100 everywhere 575 00:19:56,539 --> 00:20:01,620 everywhere she went in the process 576 00:19:59,100 --> 00:20:03,780 vicoliver from across the ditch 577 00:20:01,620 --> 00:20:05,760 house from New Zealand he's instrumental 578 00:20:03,780 --> 00:20:07,320 in the development of the device called 579 00:20:05,760 --> 00:20:10,200 the reprap which is considered by most 580 00:20:07,320 --> 00:20:12,000 to be the cause as it were of the 3D 581 00:20:10,200 --> 00:20:13,799 printing Revolution and Vic actually 582 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:16,860 demoed an early incarnation of the Rat 583 00:20:13,799 --> 00:20:18,179 prep I think at LCA in 2005 and I 584 00:20:16,860 --> 00:20:19,919 remember being there it's just like oh 585 00:20:18,179 --> 00:20:21,480 my gosh I am seeing the future kind of 586 00:20:19,919 --> 00:20:22,679 thing because the whole concept of 3D 587 00:20:21,480 --> 00:20:24,240 printing at that time while it was easy 588 00:20:22,679 --> 00:20:25,380 to understand intuitively it was quite a 589 00:20:24,240 --> 00:20:28,020 different thing to actually seeing it 590 00:20:25,380 --> 00:20:30,900 happening in front of you 591 00:20:28,020 --> 00:20:33,120 uh New Zealand is the clear current did 592 00:20:30,900 --> 00:20:34,260 a lot of work in driving openness in New 593 00:20:33,120 --> 00:20:36,539 Zealand government perhaps slightly less 594 00:20:34,260 --> 00:20:38,340 so in politics more broadly but another 595 00:20:36,539 --> 00:20:40,799 great contributor to the the open 596 00:20:38,340 --> 00:20:42,960 technical Commons from from New Zealand 597 00:20:40,799 --> 00:20:46,020 so that's obviously only a snapshot you 598 00:20:42,960 --> 00:20:48,059 get the get the um the general idea but 599 00:20:46,020 --> 00:20:49,860 it's I think a great Community to be a 600 00:20:48,059 --> 00:20:52,679 part of and all of us here are part of 601 00:20:49,860 --> 00:20:54,240 that but also a good one to to work in 602 00:20:52,679 --> 00:20:56,520 it's going to touch a little bit about 603 00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:58,320 working on free and open source software 604 00:20:56,520 --> 00:20:59,880 and open hardware and as I said I've 605 00:20:58,320 --> 00:21:01,860 been fortunate to work in in the field 606 00:20:59,880 --> 00:21:03,780 on and off for quite a while I'm going 607 00:21:01,860 --> 00:21:05,880 to mostly avoid in these next few slides 608 00:21:03,780 --> 00:21:07,740 in the general remarks 609 00:21:05,880 --> 00:21:09,720 talking about General work related 610 00:21:07,740 --> 00:21:11,760 things and try and confine my remarks to 611 00:21:09,720 --> 00:21:13,380 open source specific 612 00:21:11,760 --> 00:21:14,940 it's a piece and if you haven't already 613 00:21:13,380 --> 00:21:17,760 guessed this talk is going to jump 614 00:21:14,940 --> 00:21:19,200 around a little bit and it'll be the 615 00:21:17,760 --> 00:21:21,960 reasons that become apparent in about 616 00:21:19,200 --> 00:21:24,600 six flights six slides a Time 617 00:21:21,960 --> 00:21:27,480 so first of all you thought how do I 618 00:21:24,600 --> 00:21:29,640 find a role in open source and I think 619 00:21:27,480 --> 00:21:32,520 the obvious well it's tempting just to 620 00:21:29,640 --> 00:21:34,200 go into one of the job search engines I 621 00:21:32,520 --> 00:21:35,580 think often even to this day you do do 622 00:21:34,200 --> 00:21:37,380 better just reaching out through your 623 00:21:35,580 --> 00:21:39,539 own human networks your local user 624 00:21:37,380 --> 00:21:40,860 groups we're at a conference networking 625 00:21:39,539 --> 00:21:42,299 the hallway track 626 00:21:40,860 --> 00:21:43,799 that's the thing are all opportunities 627 00:21:42,299 --> 00:21:45,059 to just find out about what's there on 628 00:21:43,799 --> 00:21:47,100 the ground because often the interesting 629 00:21:45,059 --> 00:21:48,960 jobs aren't advertised or are only 630 00:21:47,100 --> 00:21:51,360 lightly advertised because they're such 631 00:21:48,960 --> 00:21:53,640 they're in such demand the Linux 632 00:21:51,360 --> 00:21:55,320 Australia job section is another good 633 00:21:53,640 --> 00:21:56,640 place to work if you're working in a 634 00:21:55,320 --> 00:21:58,860 free and open source project already 635 00:21:56,640 --> 00:22:00,179 then reaching out through the network 636 00:21:58,860 --> 00:22:01,799 you have there 637 00:22:00,179 --> 00:22:03,720 the one thing I would encourage you to 638 00:22:01,799 --> 00:22:06,900 do though is think about where would be 639 00:22:03,720 --> 00:22:08,220 a fit for you I think it's we're in a 640 00:22:06,900 --> 00:22:09,960 pretty tricky job market at the moment 641 00:22:08,220 --> 00:22:11,100 it's fair to say and I think some large 642 00:22:09,960 --> 00:22:14,159 companies have made some particularly 643 00:22:11,100 --> 00:22:16,980 foolish decisions in recently but um 644 00:22:14,159 --> 00:22:18,240 that that aside well it may seem there's 645 00:22:16,980 --> 00:22:19,679 not a lot of choice out there at the 646 00:22:18,240 --> 00:22:21,299 moment I think it still makes sense to 647 00:22:19,679 --> 00:22:23,100 take the time to try and find somewhere 648 00:22:21,299 --> 00:22:24,720 that's actually going to align with you 649 00:22:23,100 --> 00:22:27,480 does their Core Business align with your 650 00:22:24,720 --> 00:22:28,740 values for example what are your views 651 00:22:27,480 --> 00:22:31,080 on whether you want to be working local 652 00:22:28,740 --> 00:22:33,360 versus remote versus some kind of hybrid 653 00:22:31,080 --> 00:22:34,919 and importantly what's corporate what 654 00:22:33,360 --> 00:22:36,780 does the corporate culture sort of feel 655 00:22:34,919 --> 00:22:38,340 like what's the reputation of the of the 656 00:22:36,780 --> 00:22:39,419 company so keep all these sorts of 657 00:22:38,340 --> 00:22:41,340 things 658 00:22:39,419 --> 00:22:42,600 do you mind 659 00:22:41,340 --> 00:22:44,640 I had a bit of a chat with our 660 00:22:42,600 --> 00:22:46,740 recruiting team and just got some 661 00:22:44,640 --> 00:22:48,240 current sort of best practices I suppose 662 00:22:46,740 --> 00:22:50,940 from them just to make sure these were 663 00:22:48,240 --> 00:22:52,260 still still relevant be visible in the 664 00:22:50,940 --> 00:22:55,320 projects are relevant so if you're 665 00:22:52,260 --> 00:22:56,700 applying for a job in and saying of a 666 00:22:55,320 --> 00:22:58,200 lead developer on such and such a 667 00:22:56,700 --> 00:23:00,419 project or I've contributed such and 668 00:22:58,200 --> 00:23:01,919 such a project you can be sure that the 669 00:23:00,419 --> 00:23:03,659 recruiters in the modern recruiting 670 00:23:01,919 --> 00:23:05,280 process will look at your LinkedIn your 671 00:23:03,659 --> 00:23:07,679 GitHub and all those other places and 672 00:23:05,280 --> 00:23:09,000 just see what your profile is online if 673 00:23:07,679 --> 00:23:10,980 you don't have one it doesn't matter but 674 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:13,380 just don't talk it up unnecessarily just 675 00:23:10,980 --> 00:23:15,659 be honest because it will be it will be 676 00:23:13,380 --> 00:23:17,580 checked be yourself 677 00:23:15,659 --> 00:23:19,380 um but be business friendly so be 678 00:23:17,580 --> 00:23:20,760 mindful that your people in the part of 679 00:23:19,380 --> 00:23:21,960 the modern recruiting process people are 680 00:23:20,760 --> 00:23:24,840 going to look out there and just see 681 00:23:21,960 --> 00:23:26,039 what um you know what your what Your 682 00:23:24,840 --> 00:23:28,440 track record looks like particularly 683 00:23:26,039 --> 00:23:31,080 from the employment standpoint and have 684 00:23:28,440 --> 00:23:32,400 an accurate LinkedIn presence while 685 00:23:31,080 --> 00:23:33,900 um LinkedIn may still be slightly 686 00:23:32,400 --> 00:23:35,940 controversial some of the reality is 687 00:23:33,900 --> 00:23:37,559 that recruiters do do look at it and 688 00:23:35,940 --> 00:23:40,440 it's better to have even just a basic 689 00:23:37,559 --> 00:23:43,020 entry so you at least appear the none 690 00:23:40,440 --> 00:23:44,760 the none at all 691 00:23:43,020 --> 00:23:47,400 you get to the application negotiation 692 00:23:44,760 --> 00:23:49,740 process so do your homework on the 693 00:23:47,400 --> 00:23:51,299 organization know what your what what 694 00:23:49,740 --> 00:23:53,220 who you're approaching or what they do 695 00:23:51,299 --> 00:23:54,960 and talk to the people that work there 696 00:23:53,220 --> 00:23:56,760 if you possibly can on that you know 697 00:23:54,960 --> 00:23:59,400 that's often not too hard to do spend 698 00:23:56,760 --> 00:24:02,760 some time on interview prep if you don't 699 00:23:59,400 --> 00:24:04,980 know your stuff it's okay but don't 700 00:24:02,760 --> 00:24:06,539 don't knock your water bottle over onto 701 00:24:04,980 --> 00:24:07,980 the electronics on the floor 702 00:24:06,539 --> 00:24:09,419 know your stuff but if you don't but 703 00:24:07,980 --> 00:24:11,280 don't sweat the interview process and 704 00:24:09,419 --> 00:24:12,539 one of the things I would contend I 705 00:24:11,280 --> 00:24:13,620 actually feel kind of strongly about 706 00:24:12,539 --> 00:24:16,380 this one 707 00:24:13,620 --> 00:24:18,299 is that I think all modern 708 00:24:16,380 --> 00:24:20,580 sensible companies nice places places 709 00:24:18,299 --> 00:24:22,320 you'd probably actually want to work 710 00:24:20,580 --> 00:24:24,600 structure their interview process so 711 00:24:22,320 --> 00:24:28,020 they're trying to help you to shine not 712 00:24:24,600 --> 00:24:30,419 trip you up and I've been 713 00:24:28,020 --> 00:24:31,799 through both and the latter is certainly 714 00:24:30,419 --> 00:24:33,780 a much more pleasant way to be but I 715 00:24:31,799 --> 00:24:34,980 would assert that most of the most 716 00:24:33,780 --> 00:24:36,480 companies 717 00:24:34,980 --> 00:24:38,100 if you likely to want to work will end 718 00:24:36,480 --> 00:24:39,960 up being more in that sort of more in 719 00:24:38,100 --> 00:24:41,640 that sort of vein think about your 720 00:24:39,960 --> 00:24:43,679 salary expectations and stick to them 721 00:24:41,640 --> 00:24:45,539 Valley of Roy had a really brilliant 722 00:24:43,679 --> 00:24:47,460 page on this and I looked earlier in the 723 00:24:45,539 --> 00:24:48,659 week and I could no longer find it but I 724 00:24:47,460 --> 00:24:50,640 could find someone linking to it which 725 00:24:48,659 --> 00:24:52,080 has a simple similar sorts of ideas but 726 00:24:50,640 --> 00:24:55,440 there's some some excellent ideas there 727 00:24:52,080 --> 00:24:57,299 and the basic premise there is that have 728 00:24:55,440 --> 00:24:59,880 a real have realistic expectations not 729 00:24:57,299 --> 00:25:01,440 too high so not too low not too high but 730 00:24:59,880 --> 00:25:02,760 also not too low when it comes to 731 00:25:01,440 --> 00:25:03,840 negotiating your salary because once 732 00:25:02,760 --> 00:25:05,280 you're in the role it's very very 733 00:25:03,840 --> 00:25:06,539 difficult difficult to get a step change 734 00:25:05,280 --> 00:25:08,220 so you kind of want to get that right 735 00:25:06,539 --> 00:25:10,679 and you don't want to be in a job and 736 00:25:08,220 --> 00:25:12,900 then finding a I could have asked for X 737 00:25:10,679 --> 00:25:14,820 percent more 738 00:25:12,900 --> 00:25:16,740 asking about keeping copyright for your 739 00:25:14,820 --> 00:25:18,900 code that should be pretty much a 740 00:25:16,740 --> 00:25:22,559 no-brainer for most modern open source 741 00:25:18,900 --> 00:25:24,840 open Hardware related companies 742 00:25:22,559 --> 00:25:26,580 so you've got the job now what this is 743 00:25:24,840 --> 00:25:29,820 one 744 00:25:26,580 --> 00:25:31,620 that um I thought was was important to 745 00:25:29,820 --> 00:25:34,200 point out in particular because now back 746 00:25:31,620 --> 00:25:35,940 in them have painted there back in the 747 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:38,820 fortune position and managing a team 748 00:25:35,940 --> 00:25:41,159 once again and I've had a bunch of new 749 00:25:38,820 --> 00:25:42,659 people start working as part of our part 750 00:25:41,159 --> 00:25:45,480 of my team over the course of the last 751 00:25:42,659 --> 00:25:47,700 12 18 months and there's been a 752 00:25:45,480 --> 00:25:49,320 consistent thing I've noticed is that 753 00:25:47,700 --> 00:25:51,419 people worry about getting into the 754 00:25:49,320 --> 00:25:53,580 groove too quickly most companies will 755 00:25:51,419 --> 00:25:55,559 expect you to take two to three months 756 00:25:53,580 --> 00:25:57,539 possibly more to really get established 757 00:25:55,559 --> 00:25:58,919 so please don't come into a role and 758 00:25:57,539 --> 00:26:01,260 feel oh gosh it's the second week I've 759 00:25:58,919 --> 00:26:03,240 got to be know everything you don't it's 760 00:26:01,260 --> 00:26:04,440 almost certainly a complex code base 761 00:26:03,240 --> 00:26:06,659 they probably don't want you playing 762 00:26:04,440 --> 00:26:08,460 with production just as yet until you've 763 00:26:06,659 --> 00:26:09,960 really found your feet and know know 764 00:26:08,460 --> 00:26:11,360 what you're doing so don't sweat that 765 00:26:09,960 --> 00:26:13,620 that initial 766 00:26:11,360 --> 00:26:15,360 that initial few weeks of getting into 767 00:26:13,620 --> 00:26:16,679 the into the groove 768 00:26:15,360 --> 00:26:18,120 do get out and do some exercise 769 00:26:16,679 --> 00:26:20,039 particularly if you're working from home 770 00:26:18,120 --> 00:26:22,080 which these days of course is a far more 771 00:26:20,039 --> 00:26:23,640 common common way to be and be 772 00:26:22,080 --> 00:26:25,740 particularly mindful of your work-life 773 00:26:23,640 --> 00:26:27,059 balance and that can be tricky to do if 774 00:26:25,740 --> 00:26:29,159 you're passionate about the tech and I 775 00:26:27,059 --> 00:26:30,900 think that's one of the few downsides 776 00:26:29,159 --> 00:26:32,400 for many of us who are working in an 777 00:26:30,900 --> 00:26:35,220 industry which is very closely linked to 778 00:26:32,400 --> 00:26:37,559 help he's another other interests is 779 00:26:35,220 --> 00:26:39,659 it's far too easy to just have a poor 780 00:26:37,559 --> 00:26:41,580 work-life balance 781 00:26:39,659 --> 00:26:42,840 know when to jump this might seem a 782 00:26:41,580 --> 00:26:44,460 little bit of a strange thing to say 783 00:26:42,840 --> 00:26:45,419 just after you've got the job but if you 784 00:26:44,460 --> 00:26:48,679 land 785 00:26:45,419 --> 00:26:51,000 this is actually not for me 786 00:26:48,679 --> 00:26:52,559 sometimes trust it makes sense to trust 787 00:26:51,000 --> 00:26:54,240 your trust your Spider Sense and pull 788 00:26:52,559 --> 00:26:56,039 the pin earlier rather than stay stay 789 00:26:54,240 --> 00:26:57,539 longer because I think again because of 790 00:26:56,039 --> 00:26:59,820 that we're often working in our own 791 00:26:57,539 --> 00:27:03,320 hobby we do end up in a situation who 792 00:26:59,820 --> 00:27:03,320 stay longer than we we should 793 00:27:03,840 --> 00:27:07,559 so a little bit of a digression just to 794 00:27:05,880 --> 00:27:09,299 talk about the some of some health stuff 795 00:27:07,559 --> 00:27:11,100 I'm obviously not a doctor I was a 796 00:27:09,299 --> 00:27:12,659 psychologist a psychiatrist or anything 797 00:27:11,100 --> 00:27:15,419 like that but but our physical and 798 00:27:12,659 --> 00:27:16,760 mental well-being are obviously very 799 00:27:15,419 --> 00:27:18,840 very important and 800 00:27:16,760 --> 00:27:20,100 inexorably linked to I should not use 801 00:27:18,840 --> 00:27:22,320 words that are hard to pronounce in 802 00:27:20,100 --> 00:27:24,120 slides 803 00:27:22,320 --> 00:27:25,799 but if you think about our profession 804 00:27:24,120 --> 00:27:28,919 ours is in the main are pretty sedentary 805 00:27:25,799 --> 00:27:30,900 and often quite a solitary Pursuit so do 806 00:27:28,919 --> 00:27:32,700 get out do some exercise spend some time 807 00:27:30,900 --> 00:27:33,840 with your friends sitting and staying in 808 00:27:32,700 --> 00:27:35,460 front of your computer all day is 809 00:27:33,840 --> 00:27:37,320 probably not the best thing to do for 810 00:27:35,460 --> 00:27:38,820 your body if you find it difficult to 811 00:27:37,320 --> 00:27:41,100 take breaks get a time all the modern 812 00:27:38,820 --> 00:27:42,419 operating systems have variations on 813 00:27:41,100 --> 00:27:43,860 this week instead of times so only 814 00:27:42,419 --> 00:27:44,940 working for 50 minutes they're not all 815 00:27:43,860 --> 00:27:47,640 either force you to get up for 10 816 00:27:44,940 --> 00:27:50,580 minutes and go for a walk or do some do 817 00:27:47,640 --> 00:27:52,620 something eat more vegetables no really 818 00:27:50,580 --> 00:27:55,860 beer isn't in fact a vegetable country 819 00:27:52,620 --> 00:27:59,400 to popular belief but um 820 00:27:55,860 --> 00:28:00,900 but no do try to eat well and mental 821 00:27:59,400 --> 00:28:02,640 health is at least as important as the 822 00:28:00,900 --> 00:28:04,440 physical as I said depression is a real 823 00:28:02,640 --> 00:28:05,700 thing for many of us and this is where 824 00:28:04,440 --> 00:28:06,659 I'm going to subdue a digression on a 825 00:28:05,700 --> 00:28:08,520 bit of a 826 00:28:06,659 --> 00:28:10,919 digression here and talk about my own 827 00:28:08,520 --> 00:28:12,299 Journey a little bit so this is a photo 828 00:28:10,919 --> 00:28:14,400 I took 829 00:28:12,299 --> 00:28:16,140 of squirrel for reasons she'll become a 830 00:28:14,400 --> 00:28:17,900 parent in a moment but I mentioned 831 00:28:16,140 --> 00:28:19,799 earlier that my a lot of my school 832 00:28:17,900 --> 00:28:21,779 reports along the lines of blemings 833 00:28:19,799 --> 00:28:23,880 could do better if you applied himself 834 00:28:21,779 --> 00:28:26,279 I had a reflection about eight years ago 835 00:28:23,880 --> 00:28:28,200 nine or nine years ago a lot of my peers 836 00:28:26,279 --> 00:28:29,940 seemed a lot more organized than I was 837 00:28:28,200 --> 00:28:31,740 and perhaps more successful or whatever 838 00:28:29,940 --> 00:28:34,140 that might be I think of a couple in 839 00:28:31,740 --> 00:28:35,760 particular ctOS are quite successful but 840 00:28:34,140 --> 00:28:36,659 they're also smarter than I am I think 841 00:28:35,760 --> 00:28:38,159 but 842 00:28:36,659 --> 00:28:39,360 I was like okay that's that's 843 00:28:38,159 --> 00:28:40,980 interesting 844 00:28:39,360 --> 00:28:42,779 so while I was fortunate to have landed 845 00:28:40,980 --> 00:28:44,039 some more senior roles myself I was 846 00:28:42,779 --> 00:28:46,260 still disorganized I'm always doing 847 00:28:44,039 --> 00:28:48,240 everything at the last minute and sort 848 00:28:46,260 --> 00:28:49,559 of just you know seemingly getting 849 00:28:48,240 --> 00:28:50,760 getting anxious because I've got to get 850 00:28:49,559 --> 00:28:52,679 this done in time and those sorts of 851 00:28:50,760 --> 00:28:54,179 things the chance conversation with a 852 00:28:52,679 --> 00:28:55,919 dear friend of mine in the states they 853 00:28:54,179 --> 00:28:58,440 mentioned they had ADHD and we got 854 00:28:55,919 --> 00:28:59,580 talking about it okay and so I looked 855 00:28:58,440 --> 00:29:01,860 into this a bit 856 00:28:59,580 --> 00:29:04,020 it didn't but it did and it actually did 857 00:29:01,860 --> 00:29:05,880 a basic set of Diagnostics with the GP 858 00:29:04,020 --> 00:29:07,740 the general practice general doctor that 859 00:29:05,880 --> 00:29:09,000 I was working with at the time for usual 860 00:29:07,740 --> 00:29:11,039 Health stuff that the results kind of 861 00:29:09,000 --> 00:29:13,679 came back a bit inconclusive so I kind 862 00:29:11,039 --> 00:29:15,000 of parked it okay maybe maybe it's I'm 863 00:29:13,679 --> 00:29:17,039 just lazy as it turns out or just 864 00:29:15,000 --> 00:29:19,679 disorganize some kind of 865 00:29:17,039 --> 00:29:21,539 gave up I guess a little bit on that 866 00:29:19,679 --> 00:29:22,559 a few few years ago three years ago I 867 00:29:21,539 --> 00:29:24,480 moved down to the South Southwest 868 00:29:22,559 --> 00:29:26,760 Victoria about four four hours drive 869 00:29:24,480 --> 00:29:28,799 from here and working with the new GP 870 00:29:26,760 --> 00:29:31,140 just on boring stuff like cholesterol 871 00:29:28,799 --> 00:29:32,700 and all the rest I asked a quite pivotal 872 00:29:31,140 --> 00:29:34,140 question and so what about your mental 873 00:29:32,700 --> 00:29:35,399 health and so well I'm prone to it it 874 00:29:34,140 --> 00:29:37,020 meant I'll get a bit blue and a bit 875 00:29:35,399 --> 00:29:39,600 anxious and if I don't exercise enough I 876 00:29:37,020 --> 00:29:40,860 feel pretty glum and I really sort of 877 00:29:39,600 --> 00:29:42,179 scatterbrained and I find it really 878 00:29:40,860 --> 00:29:44,039 really hard to do 879 00:29:42,179 --> 00:29:45,179 to do stuff you know be organized and 880 00:29:44,039 --> 00:29:46,500 that's the thing I mean a reasonably 881 00:29:45,179 --> 00:29:48,659 senior role and I figure I should be 882 00:29:46,500 --> 00:29:50,460 more organized she we've thought about 883 00:29:48,659 --> 00:29:52,260 ADHD and so as a matter of fact I had 884 00:29:50,460 --> 00:29:54,299 but I did the tests before and didn't 885 00:29:52,260 --> 00:29:57,059 really come back very very conclusively 886 00:29:54,299 --> 00:29:59,520 so so I think we should do them again 887 00:29:57,059 --> 00:30:03,120 so I went ahead and did the um the more 888 00:29:59,520 --> 00:30:04,620 more of the Diagnostics and all um some 889 00:30:03,120 --> 00:30:07,860 more Diagnostics and sure enough they 890 00:30:04,620 --> 00:30:09,779 came back quite um of uh yeah sorry time 891 00:30:07,860 --> 00:30:11,760 yourself in that with a much more strong 892 00:30:09,779 --> 00:30:14,039 sense that yes ADHD is probably going to 893 00:30:11,760 --> 00:30:15,659 be a thing for me and a bit of imposter 894 00:30:14,039 --> 00:30:20,000 syndrome or even trying to starting to 895 00:30:15,659 --> 00:30:20,000 creep in at this point so 896 00:30:20,179 --> 00:30:25,020 I feel that those are the best photo 897 00:30:23,279 --> 00:30:26,580 author taken in a reasonable likeness of 898 00:30:25,020 --> 00:30:29,940 my brain some days and I think my my 899 00:30:26,580 --> 00:30:33,659 lovely sister for uh this we're all 900 00:30:29,940 --> 00:30:35,640 kind of thing so everyone's ADHD is 901 00:30:33,659 --> 00:30:37,380 different and I'm not purporting to 902 00:30:35,640 --> 00:30:40,020 speak for anyone else anyway other than 903 00:30:37,380 --> 00:30:41,700 myself in this case but I but I've what 904 00:30:40,020 --> 00:30:42,960 I've come to realize is my brain is very 905 00:30:41,700 --> 00:30:44,760 much like a squirrels like oh what's 906 00:30:42,960 --> 00:30:46,980 that over there when I you know my sock 907 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:48,659 drawer was impeccably organized when 908 00:30:46,980 --> 00:30:50,159 there's a deadline approaching 909 00:30:48,659 --> 00:30:51,960 that's it I don't have the physical 910 00:30:50,159 --> 00:30:53,340 aspects so much ironically like I can 911 00:30:51,960 --> 00:30:54,779 just sit around and it's completely fine 912 00:30:53,340 --> 00:30:57,240 but for other people 913 00:30:54,779 --> 00:30:58,919 it's a very very different a very very 914 00:30:57,240 --> 00:31:01,200 different part of the journey 915 00:30:58,919 --> 00:31:02,820 the process of getting a full diagnosis 916 00:31:01,200 --> 00:31:04,260 here in Australia is reasonably 917 00:31:02,820 --> 00:31:06,120 reasonably evolved you actually have to 918 00:31:04,260 --> 00:31:07,620 have a stands at the moment at least in 919 00:31:06,120 --> 00:31:09,059 Victoria have an assessment through a 920 00:31:07,620 --> 00:31:10,500 psychiatrist and they they run through 921 00:31:09,059 --> 00:31:12,000 it and even that was kind of telling 922 00:31:10,500 --> 00:31:14,640 because they're very capable and quite 923 00:31:12,000 --> 00:31:16,140 warm psychiatrist but as we went as went 924 00:31:14,640 --> 00:31:18,000 through the more detailed analysis that 925 00:31:16,140 --> 00:31:20,159 they had me do is they said you know 926 00:31:18,000 --> 00:31:21,960 what you you kind of actually on the 927 00:31:20,159 --> 00:31:24,480 border a little bit in terms of what 928 00:31:21,960 --> 00:31:26,220 we'd what we'd normally classes as ADHD 929 00:31:24,480 --> 00:31:28,740 and this mostly has any implications in 930 00:31:26,220 --> 00:31:30,120 terms of potential treatment regimes but 931 00:31:28,740 --> 00:31:33,679 you said in your case I can tell you're 932 00:31:30,120 --> 00:31:33,679 reasonably smart I tricked him 933 00:31:33,799 --> 00:31:37,500 you've obviously you've probably had 934 00:31:36,000 --> 00:31:39,659 this since you're a kid 935 00:31:37,500 --> 00:31:41,700 you've probably you've developed coping 936 00:31:39,659 --> 00:31:44,279 mechanisms over a period of about 40 or 937 00:31:41,700 --> 00:31:46,020 more years to understand how to how to 938 00:31:44,279 --> 00:31:48,899 work around this how to put sort of 939 00:31:46,020 --> 00:31:51,720 Frameworks up and so forth 940 00:31:48,899 --> 00:31:52,919 um to to sort of manage it and it was 941 00:31:51,720 --> 00:31:54,419 one of those conversations that for me 942 00:31:52,919 --> 00:31:55,799 is quite transformational so I thought 943 00:31:54,419 --> 00:31:57,059 well that explains what any time where 944 00:31:55,799 --> 00:31:59,640 I'm trying to get stuff done and really 945 00:31:57,059 --> 00:32:01,320 I'm just bone tired because I'm using 946 00:31:59,640 --> 00:32:04,980 all these extra Cycles just to keep my 947 00:32:01,320 --> 00:32:08,520 brain on track on the tasks azure 948 00:32:04,980 --> 00:32:09,600 so it was quite a it was quite a pivotal 949 00:32:08,520 --> 00:32:11,580 conversation it's fair to say 950 00:32:09,600 --> 00:32:12,960 confirmation bias is always a bit of a 951 00:32:11,580 --> 00:32:14,340 difficult or dangerous sort of thing 952 00:32:12,960 --> 00:32:15,419 that that sort of expression for you 953 00:32:14,340 --> 00:32:16,679 have is a hammer suddenly everything 954 00:32:15,419 --> 00:32:18,840 looks like a nail because of course 955 00:32:16,679 --> 00:32:21,059 suddenly everyone who knew has ADHD 956 00:32:18,840 --> 00:32:22,919 right but 957 00:32:21,059 --> 00:32:23,820 more seriously I talked about it fairly 958 00:32:22,919 --> 00:32:26,880 openly 959 00:32:23,820 --> 00:32:28,559 um I guess very openly now 960 00:32:26,880 --> 00:32:29,880 but I did mention it to a couple of dear 961 00:32:28,559 --> 00:32:31,980 friends in the free and open source 962 00:32:29,880 --> 00:32:33,480 community and ironically one it actually 963 00:32:31,980 --> 00:32:35,520 had a very similar experience just 964 00:32:33,480 --> 00:32:37,440 recently themselves and have found a 965 00:32:35,520 --> 00:32:39,120 particularly good book on the topic and 966 00:32:37,440 --> 00:32:40,679 and our friend who was also on the 967 00:32:39,120 --> 00:32:42,360 course to say yeah that all sounds 968 00:32:40,679 --> 00:32:44,100 eerily familiar I should probably go and 969 00:32:42,360 --> 00:32:46,260 get that checked and sure enough as I 970 00:32:44,100 --> 00:32:48,600 gather they've found a similar thing 971 00:32:46,260 --> 00:32:50,640 themselves I was pretty candid about it 972 00:32:48,600 --> 00:32:52,559 at work at grafana it's a pretty um 973 00:32:50,640 --> 00:32:54,779 we've got a pretty caring kind of a 974 00:32:52,559 --> 00:32:57,240 culture and transparency is important so 975 00:32:54,779 --> 00:32:59,100 it's a pretty safe it's a safe place I'd 976 00:32:57,240 --> 00:33:00,840 have to have to say but it was actually 977 00:32:59,100 --> 00:33:02,820 quite um 978 00:33:00,840 --> 00:33:06,000 quite empowering to be able to say look 979 00:33:02,820 --> 00:33:09,360 you know if I think to base my team the 980 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:10,740 people I manage and and my peers so if 981 00:33:09,360 --> 00:33:11,580 you if I ask you if you ask me to do 982 00:33:10,740 --> 00:33:13,320 something I say I'm going to do 983 00:33:11,580 --> 00:33:14,820 something I forget please remind me it's 984 00:33:13,320 --> 00:33:16,320 not and it's not me being lazy or 985 00:33:14,820 --> 00:33:18,840 forgetful it's actually just my brain is 986 00:33:16,320 --> 00:33:21,539 sort of it why differently and I don't 987 00:33:18,840 --> 00:33:23,340 always remember these sorts of things 988 00:33:21,539 --> 00:33:26,580 another aspect of it which I thought was 989 00:33:23,340 --> 00:33:29,220 worth um worth sharing is may or may not 990 00:33:26,580 --> 00:33:31,200 be with ADHD is very hereditary and I 991 00:33:29,220 --> 00:33:32,940 had the situation where once I found out 992 00:33:31,200 --> 00:33:34,500 about this I mentioned it to my to my 993 00:33:32,940 --> 00:33:36,299 broader family and a wonderful family 994 00:33:34,500 --> 00:33:37,860 member has since found out that it's 995 00:33:36,299 --> 00:33:39,539 part of their makeup as well quite a 996 00:33:37,860 --> 00:33:42,240 little differently to mine but they've 997 00:33:39,539 --> 00:33:43,799 now been able to get some 998 00:33:42,240 --> 00:33:45,000 um they also help and maintenance to 999 00:33:43,799 --> 00:33:46,860 work through that and it's been 1000 00:33:45,000 --> 00:33:48,360 transformative although already a super 1001 00:33:46,860 --> 00:33:49,740 super smart individual in the first 1002 00:33:48,360 --> 00:33:52,140 place but just going for these new 1003 00:33:49,740 --> 00:33:54,120 heights now that they've had that so it 1004 00:33:52,140 --> 00:33:56,340 was quite telling too that 1005 00:33:54,120 --> 00:33:58,980 as it turns out a common misdiagnosis of 1006 00:33:56,340 --> 00:34:00,720 ADHD is uh depression so and but 1007 00:33:58,980 --> 00:34:01,919 medications use the depression are often 1008 00:34:00,720 --> 00:34:03,960 exactly the wrong ones you want to use 1009 00:34:01,919 --> 00:34:06,179 for ADHD so I suppose 1010 00:34:03,960 --> 00:34:07,980 it's uh it's worth getting getting chips 1011 00:34:06,179 --> 00:34:10,139 I think the big relief for me was that 1012 00:34:07,980 --> 00:34:11,460 just to realize that I'm not and for 1013 00:34:10,139 --> 00:34:14,460 that matter we're not we're not broken 1014 00:34:11,460 --> 00:34:14,460 thanks 1015 00:34:15,000 --> 00:34:17,119 thank you 1016 00:34:19,379 --> 00:34:23,339 so I'm still working through the what to 1017 00:34:21,119 --> 00:34:25,200 do about it which is probably Apparent 1018 00:34:23,339 --> 00:34:27,839 from this talk 1019 00:34:25,200 --> 00:34:29,399 but it just simply knowing us there was 1020 00:34:27,839 --> 00:34:31,679 pretty pretty apparent oh one final 1021 00:34:29,399 --> 00:34:34,139 thing I did want to mention too 1022 00:34:31,679 --> 00:34:35,520 um just as a data point exercises 1023 00:34:34,139 --> 00:34:37,679 thought to be particularly important in 1024 00:34:35,520 --> 00:34:40,020 managing ADHD hence the linkage to the 1025 00:34:37,679 --> 00:34:41,760 exercise I mentioned earlier but what's 1026 00:34:40,020 --> 00:34:43,619 interesting for me is there's a growing 1027 00:34:41,760 --> 00:34:45,240 body of research that suggests in 1028 00:34:43,619 --> 00:34:46,500 particular exercise that uses the 1029 00:34:45,240 --> 00:34:48,480 balance part of your brain is 1030 00:34:46,500 --> 00:34:50,159 particularly helpful for ADHD as I 1031 00:34:48,480 --> 00:34:51,599 reflect on my own Journey the times when 1032 00:34:50,159 --> 00:34:53,099 I was most organized the most productive 1033 00:34:51,599 --> 00:34:55,379 have to be when I was fit and I got fit 1034 00:34:53,099 --> 00:34:58,260 by cycling so which is obviously fairly 1035 00:34:55,379 --> 00:34:59,400 balanced bounce wrong all right back on 1036 00:34:58,260 --> 00:35:01,020 the free and open source open hardware 1037 00:34:59,400 --> 00:35:04,140 and something for some people managers 1038 00:35:01,020 --> 00:35:06,980 do we have people managers in the room 1039 00:35:04,140 --> 00:35:10,020 oh please don't let me fold flat come on 1040 00:35:06,980 --> 00:35:11,579 throw it a few good okay hopefully the 1041 00:35:10,020 --> 00:35:13,079 rest all the rest of them busy watching 1042 00:35:11,579 --> 00:35:15,060 on tape 1043 00:35:13,079 --> 00:35:16,140 um so I'm back unfortunately back in the 1044 00:35:15,060 --> 00:35:17,160 Royal managing team of software 1045 00:35:16,140 --> 00:35:18,300 developers 1046 00:35:17,160 --> 00:35:19,380 um really really wide range of 1047 00:35:18,300 --> 00:35:21,240 backgrounds 1048 00:35:19,380 --> 00:35:22,920 time zones and geographies for that 1049 00:35:21,240 --> 00:35:24,720 matter but that's giving me a few few 1050 00:35:22,920 --> 00:35:26,280 perspectives and I've been fortunate to 1051 00:35:24,720 --> 00:35:29,400 be involved with some some stuff at work 1052 00:35:26,280 --> 00:35:31,440 where we've been identifying uh 1053 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:33,240 technical organizational culture and how 1054 00:35:31,440 --> 00:35:34,200 we how we build successful ones there so 1055 00:35:33,240 --> 00:35:36,140 I'm sure I'm going to share a little bit 1056 00:35:34,200 --> 00:35:37,920 just based on those those observations 1057 00:35:36,140 --> 00:35:39,420 flow time 1058 00:35:37,920 --> 00:35:40,980 um there's something about we've 1059 00:35:39,420 --> 00:35:42,599 identified as enormously important and 1060 00:35:40,980 --> 00:35:44,579 I'd encourage all of you as individual 1061 00:35:42,599 --> 00:35:47,579 contributors but also the the managers 1062 00:35:44,579 --> 00:35:49,320 in the room to find or protect flow time 1063 00:35:47,579 --> 00:35:52,079 that is to say make sure you've got time 1064 00:35:49,320 --> 00:35:55,200 to work uninterrupted we encourage our 1065 00:35:52,079 --> 00:35:58,079 teams our everyone at grafana to block 1066 00:35:55,200 --> 00:35:59,400 out chunks of time in their calendar so 1067 00:35:58,079 --> 00:36:00,839 that people don't schedule meetings 1068 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:02,940 there it may seem obvious but it's 1069 00:36:00,839 --> 00:36:05,400 transformative and as my wonderful 1070 00:36:02,940 --> 00:36:06,900 manager describes that it's okay for 1071 00:36:05,400 --> 00:36:08,579 managers to be interrupt driven but not 1072 00:36:06,900 --> 00:36:10,740 for individual contributors they should 1073 00:36:08,579 --> 00:36:12,900 be allowed to just not have to do tasks 1074 00:36:10,740 --> 00:36:16,140 or context switches continuously in 1075 00:36:12,900 --> 00:36:17,579 order to to accomplish what they need to 1076 00:36:16,140 --> 00:36:20,160 um you're probably managing introverts 1077 00:36:17,579 --> 00:36:22,140 you might even be one yourself but bear 1078 00:36:20,160 --> 00:36:23,579 that in mind when you're organizing uh 1079 00:36:22,140 --> 00:36:25,980 company events I continue to be 1080 00:36:23,579 --> 00:36:28,380 surprised amazed when I hear of company 1081 00:36:25,980 --> 00:36:29,880 events where it's all about loud music 1082 00:36:28,380 --> 00:36:31,380 for a crowd of people who probably don't 1083 00:36:29,880 --> 00:36:32,820 actually want to dance or would probably 1084 00:36:31,380 --> 00:36:34,020 rather just have somewhere quiet to 1085 00:36:32,820 --> 00:36:36,420 listen to some music softly in the 1086 00:36:34,020 --> 00:36:39,960 background and get on with their get on 1087 00:36:36,420 --> 00:36:41,280 their thing as a people manager 1088 00:36:39,960 --> 00:36:43,320 um I would encourage you to set yourself 1089 00:36:41,280 --> 00:36:45,119 the goal as being at least as good a 1090 00:36:43,320 --> 00:36:46,619 people manager as your individual 1091 00:36:45,119 --> 00:36:48,359 Engineers are Engineers or whatever the 1092 00:36:46,619 --> 00:36:50,160 individual contributor roles is that 1093 00:36:48,359 --> 00:36:52,440 they have and if you don't feel you can 1094 00:36:50,160 --> 00:36:54,599 do it well maybe don't do it I don't say 1095 00:36:52,440 --> 00:36:57,180 that to you anything disrespectful but 1096 00:36:54,599 --> 00:36:58,980 just simply that the people aspect of 1097 00:36:57,180 --> 00:37:00,420 the role is the most important part of 1098 00:36:58,980 --> 00:37:01,859 it and if you fail to do that well it 1099 00:37:00,420 --> 00:37:03,540 can have some pretty real consequences 1100 00:37:01,859 --> 00:37:07,400 for the people you manage so please 1101 00:37:03,540 --> 00:37:07,400 please take it do take it seriously 1102 00:37:07,500 --> 00:37:10,380 a bit about aggression learn cool tricks 1103 00:37:09,300 --> 00:37:11,579 from your colleagues and this was in the 1104 00:37:10,380 --> 00:37:13,500 context of say how you're in the role 1105 00:37:11,579 --> 00:37:15,420 how do you stay stay current 1106 00:37:13,500 --> 00:37:16,800 it's pretty hard to beat looking over a 1107 00:37:15,420 --> 00:37:18,599 colleague's shoulder now these days it's 1108 00:37:16,800 --> 00:37:19,980 almost going to be certainly going to be 1109 00:37:18,599 --> 00:37:21,480 virtual and I don't mean it in a weird 1110 00:37:19,980 --> 00:37:23,700 way obviously I'll get there get their 1111 00:37:21,480 --> 00:37:26,460 permission this isn't a hacking exercise 1112 00:37:23,700 --> 00:37:27,599 but um this is one tip I learned which I 1113 00:37:26,460 --> 00:37:28,800 only wouldn't have seen if I hadn't been 1114 00:37:27,599 --> 00:37:30,359 looking over trigger's shoulder that 1115 00:37:28,800 --> 00:37:33,839 morning I said oh that's a cool trick 1116 00:37:30,359 --> 00:37:35,400 and file that away for for a rainy day 1117 00:37:33,839 --> 00:37:37,380 do something in another part of the 1118 00:37:35,400 --> 00:37:39,180 stack I touch briefly on small memory 1119 00:37:37,380 --> 00:37:41,820 footprint systems embedded systems 1120 00:37:39,180 --> 00:37:43,500 that's the thing earlier on 1121 00:37:41,820 --> 00:37:45,540 do something that's part not that's not 1122 00:37:43,500 --> 00:37:46,920 part of your regular job and do it on 1123 00:37:45,540 --> 00:37:48,300 your own time if you need to be but do 1124 00:37:46,920 --> 00:37:51,660 it probably do it in another part of the 1125 00:37:48,300 --> 00:37:52,980 stack if you're a big systems programmer 1126 00:37:51,660 --> 00:37:54,240 look do something in the embedded space 1127 00:37:52,980 --> 00:37:55,500 or somewhere in between if you're a 1128 00:37:54,240 --> 00:37:57,480 similar if you're in a better programmer 1129 00:37:55,500 --> 00:37:58,800 write something that's much much further 1130 00:37:57,480 --> 00:38:00,359 up the stack to get some familiar 1131 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:03,000 familiarity with those different parts 1132 00:38:00,359 --> 00:38:06,660 of the system play play around with 1133 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:08,160 metrics logs and traces for example 1134 00:38:06,660 --> 00:38:09,560 um play around systems that are 1135 00:38:08,160 --> 00:38:11,700 somewhere in between our modern 1136 00:38:09,560 --> 00:38:13,920 microcontrollers things like the esp32 1137 00:38:11,700 --> 00:38:15,720 EXP 8266 would have been a circuit 1138 00:38:13,920 --> 00:38:17,280 supercomputer not so long ago but that's 1139 00:38:15,720 --> 00:38:19,859 still pretty still just a different 1140 00:38:17,280 --> 00:38:22,079 mindset for your programming start today 1141 00:38:19,859 --> 00:38:24,119 with security this I mean these are 1142 00:38:22,079 --> 00:38:25,800 pretty obvious sorts of things but take 1143 00:38:24,119 --> 00:38:27,000 the lid off or Tinker with old Hardware 1144 00:38:25,800 --> 00:38:28,619 or if you're a bit squeamish around 1145 00:38:27,000 --> 00:38:30,240 screwdrivers and soldering irons and the 1146 00:38:28,619 --> 00:38:31,859 pointy end is generally the hot one with 1147 00:38:30,240 --> 00:38:33,599 the soldering on 1148 00:38:31,859 --> 00:38:35,700 um just watch teardowns or those sorts 1149 00:38:33,599 --> 00:38:37,440 of things but my message here I guess is 1150 00:38:35,700 --> 00:38:38,760 just to take some time to understand the 1151 00:38:37,440 --> 00:38:40,079 full system because no matter what your 1152 00:38:38,760 --> 00:38:41,880 role is overall in the software 1153 00:38:40,079 --> 00:38:43,920 development or the the engineering life 1154 00:38:41,880 --> 00:38:47,579 cycle you'll be better at it for knowing 1155 00:38:43,920 --> 00:38:49,560 more of how the the system works overall 1156 00:38:47,579 --> 00:38:51,320 um Mike while the sunshines 1157 00:38:49,560 --> 00:38:54,420 unfortunately we're in a pretty volatile 1158 00:38:51,320 --> 00:38:56,280 job market now and so I'd encourage you 1159 00:38:54,420 --> 00:38:58,859 to at least stash a few Bob away for a 1160 00:38:56,280 --> 00:39:00,480 rainy day in case things don't go quite 1161 00:38:58,859 --> 00:39:02,040 as expected keep your people networks 1162 00:39:00,480 --> 00:39:04,079 ticking over I spoke about that earlier 1163 00:39:02,040 --> 00:39:06,240 as being a good way to find a job but 1164 00:39:04,079 --> 00:39:07,680 you want to kind of do it genuinely but 1165 00:39:06,240 --> 00:39:08,940 keep those those connections going 1166 00:39:07,680 --> 00:39:10,800 because you never know when you might 1167 00:39:08,940 --> 00:39:12,540 need to talk to torches through it or 1168 00:39:10,800 --> 00:39:13,680 soon say actually I need a job and if 1169 00:39:12,540 --> 00:39:15,480 it's the first time they've heard from 1170 00:39:13,680 --> 00:39:17,579 you for a couple years then that can be 1171 00:39:15,480 --> 00:39:19,320 a bit a bit rubbish 1172 00:39:17,579 --> 00:39:20,880 keep an eye out in a similar vein keep 1173 00:39:19,320 --> 00:39:22,200 an eye out for the for the next steps 1174 00:39:20,880 --> 00:39:23,520 where you might want to go next in case 1175 00:39:22,200 --> 00:39:25,320 you need to do so 1176 00:39:23,520 --> 00:39:28,079 unexpectedly I touched on learning new 1177 00:39:25,320 --> 00:39:31,140 skills earlier but when you when the um 1178 00:39:28,079 --> 00:39:32,339 should the unexpected occur 1179 00:39:31,140 --> 00:39:33,480 um just a few thoughts on that don't 1180 00:39:32,339 --> 00:39:35,280 panic 1181 00:39:33,480 --> 00:39:37,260 it's pretty rubbish if you've lost your 1182 00:39:35,280 --> 00:39:39,060 job unexpectedly to put it put it mildly 1183 00:39:37,260 --> 00:39:39,900 but going out in a Twitter store won't 1184 00:39:39,060 --> 00:39:41,460 help 1185 00:39:39,900 --> 00:39:43,079 it will it might make you feel better 1186 00:39:41,460 --> 00:39:45,119 for about 30 seconds but then it will 1187 00:39:43,079 --> 00:39:47,280 just work against you for the permanence 1188 00:39:45,119 --> 00:39:49,920 of the internet from there 1189 00:39:47,280 --> 00:39:51,420 it's not personal and this I've actually 1190 00:39:49,920 --> 00:39:53,160 been in this situation twice down myself 1191 00:39:51,420 --> 00:39:55,020 with a company restructures or whatever 1192 00:39:53,160 --> 00:39:57,000 has meant I've found oh I don't have a 1193 00:39:55,020 --> 00:39:58,020 job anymore it's a bit awkward 1194 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:59,700 um 1195 00:39:58,020 --> 00:40:01,740 it's but it was put to me really really 1196 00:39:59,700 --> 00:40:02,820 well on the sessions that we did the 1197 00:40:01,740 --> 00:40:04,800 company I was working for at the time 1198 00:40:02,820 --> 00:40:06,960 had a particularly 1199 00:40:04,800 --> 00:40:08,280 gracious way of doing it was the first 1200 00:40:06,960 --> 00:40:10,260 time they'd done layoffs and so forth 1201 00:40:08,280 --> 00:40:12,540 and I handled it particularly well 1202 00:40:10,260 --> 00:40:15,780 the point they made in one of the 1203 00:40:12,540 --> 00:40:18,300 sessions sort of help us get back on the 1204 00:40:15,780 --> 00:40:19,800 wagon as it were was it's not personal 1205 00:40:18,300 --> 00:40:21,660 and it might seem like a strange thing 1206 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:22,859 to observe but if you're affect what's 1207 00:40:21,660 --> 00:40:24,599 happening in the business has made a 1208 00:40:22,859 --> 00:40:25,859 decision the role you were doing is the 1209 00:40:24,599 --> 00:40:27,540 thing that has gone away you just happen 1210 00:40:25,859 --> 00:40:29,280 to be the poor bunny that was in it at 1211 00:40:27,540 --> 00:40:30,720 the time but it's not because you're a 1212 00:40:29,280 --> 00:40:33,720 good or bad person you're just a bit 1213 00:40:30,720 --> 00:40:35,700 unlucky on that day I don't say that to 1214 00:40:33,720 --> 00:40:37,200 minimize the distress it causes but just 1215 00:40:35,700 --> 00:40:38,339 to offer a different way to frame it if 1216 00:40:37,200 --> 00:40:39,960 you do find that yourself in that 1217 00:40:38,339 --> 00:40:41,040 situation it's not you 1218 00:40:39,960 --> 00:40:42,540 just 1219 00:40:41,040 --> 00:40:44,099 the company has done something so I 1220 00:40:42,540 --> 00:40:45,599 think it's the role that's gone away 1221 00:40:44,099 --> 00:40:47,760 and so forth 1222 00:40:45,599 --> 00:40:50,400 is it legal this is where you need a 1223 00:40:47,760 --> 00:40:52,200 lawyer I'm obviously not one but if you 1224 00:40:50,400 --> 00:40:53,400 think there's um it's a potentially an 1225 00:40:52,200 --> 00:40:54,720 unfair dismissal and that's something 1226 00:40:53,400 --> 00:40:56,579 you want to look at pretty pretty 1227 00:40:54,720 --> 00:40:59,880 closely because there are some fairly 1228 00:40:56,579 --> 00:41:01,680 short windows on on acting on that 1229 00:40:59,880 --> 00:41:04,020 the aftermath so 1230 00:41:01,680 --> 00:41:05,220 it's normal to feel a bit rubbish 1231 00:41:04,020 --> 00:41:07,560 obviously 1232 00:41:05,220 --> 00:41:10,440 um so self-care is even more important 1233 00:41:07,560 --> 00:41:12,060 than it ever was at that point start 1234 00:41:10,440 --> 00:41:14,520 reaching out don't assume people will 1235 00:41:12,060 --> 00:41:15,780 remember you but reach out and ask 1236 00:41:14,520 --> 00:41:16,980 people for what you know for 1237 00:41:15,780 --> 00:41:18,900 opportunities and just kind of keep 1238 00:41:16,980 --> 00:41:21,240 those those sorts of things going it's 1239 00:41:18,900 --> 00:41:23,099 okay to follow up periodically if you've 1240 00:41:21,240 --> 00:41:24,240 ever been in that situation yourself you 1241 00:41:23,099 --> 00:41:26,040 know someone might have asked you hey 1242 00:41:24,240 --> 00:41:27,180 Fred you got any work going and you 1243 00:41:26,040 --> 00:41:28,680 forget to get back to them it's probably 1244 00:41:27,180 --> 00:41:30,240 the same exactly the same for the person 1245 00:41:28,680 --> 00:41:31,920 you're talking to so do follow up with 1246 00:41:30,240 --> 00:41:33,359 them don't feel that there's a I haven't 1247 00:41:31,920 --> 00:41:35,400 heard back from they're not interested 1248 00:41:33,359 --> 00:41:37,680 they've got nothing for me just kind of 1249 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:39,599 come back from from time to time 1250 00:41:37,680 --> 00:41:40,980 I'd suggest keeping a search discreet 1251 00:41:39,599 --> 00:41:42,900 for the first week or two you don't need 1252 00:41:40,980 --> 00:41:45,119 to immediately flip the bit on your 1253 00:41:42,900 --> 00:41:47,220 preferred job search engine or job 1254 00:41:45,119 --> 00:41:47,820 website to say that you're 1255 00:41:47,220 --> 00:41:49,500 um 1256 00:41:47,820 --> 00:41:51,780 you know looking for new work you might 1257 00:41:49,500 --> 00:41:53,460 be able to find something 1258 00:41:51,780 --> 00:41:54,660 um more more discreetly as it were and 1259 00:41:53,460 --> 00:41:55,980 just kind of keep things ticking over 1260 00:41:54,660 --> 00:41:58,079 that way 1261 00:41:55,980 --> 00:42:00,359 and beware of imposter syndrome and this 1262 00:41:58,079 --> 00:42:03,240 is this is a particularly telling one I 1263 00:42:00,359 --> 00:42:04,800 think a self-doubt can certainly creep 1264 00:42:03,240 --> 00:42:06,480 in and I remember having a conversation 1265 00:42:04,800 --> 00:42:08,339 with a with a dear friend of mine who's 1266 00:42:06,480 --> 00:42:10,800 a really well known really well 1267 00:42:08,339 --> 00:42:13,740 respected I'd almost say older about 1268 00:42:10,800 --> 00:42:15,300 open source community and they found 1269 00:42:13,740 --> 00:42:18,300 themselves in a situation where they 1270 00:42:15,300 --> 00:42:19,800 were out of work unexpectedly from quite 1271 00:42:18,300 --> 00:42:21,180 a senior role and this is something 1272 00:42:19,800 --> 00:42:23,099 you'd all know I'm obviously not going 1273 00:42:21,180 --> 00:42:24,359 to name them so I think that I'm sitting 1274 00:42:23,099 --> 00:42:26,880 there listening to my account they say 1275 00:42:24,359 --> 00:42:30,200 man if this person can get imposter 1276 00:42:26,880 --> 00:42:32,940 syndrome what what hope of 1277 00:42:30,200 --> 00:42:34,859 as many Mortals got sort of thing but it 1278 00:42:32,940 --> 00:42:36,420 really is it really is a thing but 1279 00:42:34,859 --> 00:42:38,160 you're all really good at what you do 1280 00:42:36,420 --> 00:42:39,960 and it's a part of this a broader thing 1281 00:42:38,160 --> 00:42:41,700 I think of just having a bit of courage 1282 00:42:39,960 --> 00:42:43,920 to to back yourself and I'm going to 1283 00:42:41,700 --> 00:42:46,320 spend the next few slides and pretty 1284 00:42:43,920 --> 00:42:47,640 much to wrap up with some thoughts on 1285 00:42:46,320 --> 00:42:49,800 on that 1286 00:42:47,640 --> 00:42:51,060 so something sunk in for me only really 1287 00:42:49,800 --> 00:42:53,339 quite recently is you can actually 1288 00:42:51,060 --> 00:42:56,160 accomplish a lot more than you you ever 1289 00:42:53,339 --> 00:42:57,660 thought sort of it's a funny trait I 1290 00:42:56,160 --> 00:43:00,300 think of a lot of people in the open 1291 00:42:57,660 --> 00:43:03,420 technical Commons and 1292 00:43:00,300 --> 00:43:04,859 a lot but sadly not all maybe Engineers 1293 00:43:03,420 --> 00:43:06,839 developed there's a fair amount of 1294 00:43:04,859 --> 00:43:08,160 modesty in there but sometimes that 1295 00:43:06,839 --> 00:43:09,780 modesty can actually work against you 1296 00:43:08,160 --> 00:43:12,000 know actually I can't do that rather 1297 00:43:09,780 --> 00:43:14,280 just saying okay you get into this funny 1298 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:17,220 to headspace so he had this photo of the 1299 00:43:14,280 --> 00:43:19,619 shy kid back in 1984 1300 00:43:17,220 --> 00:43:21,839 a little earlier to kick things off this 1301 00:43:19,619 --> 00:43:23,839 is one sort of a similar one I guess 1302 00:43:21,839 --> 00:43:26,400 from around similar and this is me 1303 00:43:23,839 --> 00:43:27,720 doing Sound and Lighting at my my high 1304 00:43:26,400 --> 00:43:30,180 school we were doing a production of 1305 00:43:27,720 --> 00:43:31,619 what Orpheus in the Underworld I was 1306 00:43:30,180 --> 00:43:33,599 doing lights and I remember choosing 1307 00:43:31,619 --> 00:43:35,339 lights because if you messed up a 1308 00:43:33,599 --> 00:43:37,560 lighting queue it was far less obvious 1309 00:43:35,339 --> 00:43:39,420 than getting microphone feedback sort of 1310 00:43:37,560 --> 00:43:41,940 thing so I really did not want to be 1311 00:43:39,420 --> 00:43:43,680 that person out out the front at all I 1312 00:43:41,940 --> 00:43:45,060 should add that's my lovely sister in 1313 00:43:43,680 --> 00:43:46,859 the background who normally does smile 1314 00:43:45,060 --> 00:43:48,720 but she was looking rather stainfully at 1315 00:43:46,859 --> 00:43:51,480 what two people were doing off off the 1316 00:43:48,720 --> 00:43:54,180 off the frame there and remember this is 1317 00:43:51,480 --> 00:43:56,300 1984 so we are both fashion appropriate 1318 00:43:54,180 --> 00:43:59,220 for the Euro 1319 00:43:56,300 --> 00:44:00,720 you know it suffice to say um not a lot 1320 00:43:59,220 --> 00:44:02,460 of self-confidence but since since that 1321 00:44:00,720 --> 00:44:04,740 photo is taken as I touched on the start 1322 00:44:02,460 --> 00:44:07,740 of the presentation I've done played in 1323 00:44:04,740 --> 00:44:08,940 bands it had quite a lovely experience 1324 00:44:07,740 --> 00:44:10,680 of doing music in different four 1325 00:44:08,940 --> 00:44:11,700 different ways but it's always been very 1326 00:44:10,680 --> 00:44:13,020 much in the background I was the 1327 00:44:11,700 --> 00:44:14,760 keyboard player at the back next to the 1328 00:44:13,020 --> 00:44:15,960 drummer and the bass player it's the 1329 00:44:14,760 --> 00:44:17,660 thing or whatever it might be but very 1330 00:44:15,960 --> 00:44:20,700 much in the um 1331 00:44:17,660 --> 00:44:21,540 so this is last year 1332 00:44:20,700 --> 00:44:23,579 um 1333 00:44:21,540 --> 00:44:25,800 so I mentioned some music and passing 1334 00:44:23,579 --> 00:44:27,960 but this was um something that was a bit 1335 00:44:25,800 --> 00:44:29,880 new to me because I don't ever sung in 1336 00:44:27,960 --> 00:44:33,900 the car 1337 00:44:29,880 --> 00:44:35,460 so I learned to sing to give back in 1338 00:44:33,900 --> 00:44:36,780 2014 I was still living in Canberra to 1339 00:44:35,460 --> 00:44:38,700 do some lessons with a great teacher 1340 00:44:36,780 --> 00:44:40,500 there Beck Taylor and that's what got me 1341 00:44:38,700 --> 00:44:42,420 started on the on the journey I guess a 1342 00:44:40,500 --> 00:44:44,040 little bit and I sung Amazing Grace at 1343 00:44:42,420 --> 00:44:45,599 her end of turn concert it was kind of 1344 00:44:44,040 --> 00:44:48,119 cool because most of her students were 1345 00:44:45,599 --> 00:44:49,619 kids or young younger people there were 1346 00:44:48,119 --> 00:44:51,660 two two adults in there but we've still 1347 00:44:49,619 --> 00:44:53,280 got to do the end of term so concert 1348 00:44:51,660 --> 00:44:54,000 with everyone else but that was kind of 1349 00:44:53,280 --> 00:44:56,460 cool 1350 00:44:54,000 --> 00:44:57,720 I moved to Melbourne in 2017 did some 1351 00:44:56,460 --> 00:44:59,099 lessons with a teacher in Brunswick 1352 00:44:57,720 --> 00:45:01,140 which is my shame I've not been able to 1353 00:44:59,099 --> 00:45:02,520 find finding nobody did a couple bit of 1354 00:45:01,140 --> 00:45:03,540 help but when I moved down to the 1355 00:45:02,520 --> 00:45:07,319 Southwest 1356 00:45:03,540 --> 00:45:08,700 in in late 2020 I started doing some 1357 00:45:07,319 --> 00:45:10,440 lessons shortly there afterwards with 1358 00:45:08,700 --> 00:45:12,300 quite a force of nature down that way of 1359 00:45:10,440 --> 00:45:14,160 seeing teacher by the name of Leah Oswin 1360 00:45:12,300 --> 00:45:15,720 and I went into Lee and said look I want 1361 00:45:14,160 --> 00:45:17,220 to just get some backing vocals got 1362 00:45:15,720 --> 00:45:18,480 going because I think one day I want to 1363 00:45:17,220 --> 00:45:20,640 join a band again and it's good to be 1364 00:45:18,480 --> 00:45:22,319 able to do vocals 1365 00:45:20,640 --> 00:45:23,880 okay fair enough and I did a couple 1366 00:45:22,319 --> 00:45:26,579 lessons with her and then went along to 1367 00:45:23,880 --> 00:45:29,099 a um a workshop on musical theater that 1368 00:45:26,579 --> 00:45:31,319 was was being run in the region and 1369 00:45:29,099 --> 00:45:34,859 actually on my next lesson with Leo sung 1370 00:45:31,319 --> 00:45:36,720 a song from My Fair Lady she's like 1371 00:45:34,859 --> 00:45:38,160 the local theater company or auditioning 1372 00:45:36,720 --> 00:45:42,540 for cats you should probably think about 1373 00:45:38,160 --> 00:45:44,099 that okay so I thought I'd have a go and 1374 00:45:42,540 --> 00:45:45,420 I won't spend too much time musical 1375 00:45:44,099 --> 00:45:47,460 theaters that's the entire talk in its 1376 00:45:45,420 --> 00:45:49,440 own right but I figured I'd have a go at 1377 00:45:47,460 --> 00:45:51,540 The Ensemble so this is the cast that 1378 00:45:49,440 --> 00:45:54,420 sort of sing you know do all the 1379 00:45:51,540 --> 00:45:57,240 wonderful stuff in the uh in the in the 1380 00:45:54,420 --> 00:45:59,400 behind the scenes so to speak but I sung 1381 00:45:57,240 --> 00:46:01,740 um a song from Gus the song called Gus 1382 00:45:59,400 --> 00:46:03,780 the theater cat as part of my on 1383 00:46:01,740 --> 00:46:05,640 um audition for The Ensemble but I was 1384 00:46:03,780 --> 00:46:07,980 quite wonderfully 1385 00:46:05,640 --> 00:46:10,380 um humbled to get I actually offered the 1386 00:46:07,980 --> 00:46:14,119 role so oh okay I'm assured I'm assured 1387 00:46:10,380 --> 00:46:14,119 it wasn't just the hair right like 1388 00:46:15,060 --> 00:46:19,260 so um so Gus's gusta theater cat's 1389 00:46:17,640 --> 00:46:20,700 actually a poem from T.S Elite's book of 1390 00:46:19,260 --> 00:46:22,079 cats and some of you may have seen the 1391 00:46:20,700 --> 00:46:24,180 musical some of you may not some of you 1392 00:46:22,079 --> 00:46:25,980 may try to understand it don't because 1393 00:46:24,180 --> 00:46:27,119 it's just it's it's not really meant to 1394 00:46:25,980 --> 00:46:30,240 be understood it's meant to be a lot of 1395 00:46:27,119 --> 00:46:31,859 fun but Gus is the old theater cat and 1396 00:46:30,240 --> 00:46:33,119 he's the one with a story or an anecdote 1397 00:46:31,859 --> 00:46:34,560 for every occasion and you've been 1398 00:46:33,119 --> 00:46:35,940 seeing you listening to me for about 45 1399 00:46:34,560 --> 00:46:38,339 minutes you can probably see a certain 1400 00:46:35,940 --> 00:46:40,740 amount of typecasting going on at this 1401 00:46:38,339 --> 00:46:43,920 point but if it is fair to say that 1402 00:46:40,740 --> 00:46:47,400 there's a there's a linkage there 1403 00:46:43,920 --> 00:46:50,220 so this is um a shot from taken by one 1404 00:46:47,400 --> 00:46:53,160 of my castmates of us performing on on 1405 00:46:50,220 --> 00:46:55,380 stage and so 2022 in July of last year 1406 00:46:53,160 --> 00:46:56,460 the Lighthouse Theater pilate actors and 1407 00:46:55,380 --> 00:46:58,859 warrnambool theater currently put on 1408 00:46:56,460 --> 00:47:01,319 cats uh jelly arum the character to the 1409 00:46:58,859 --> 00:47:04,020 left is the lovely Ally mcpariner now a 1410 00:47:01,319 --> 00:47:07,079 dear friend and I've got to say we the 1411 00:47:04,020 --> 00:47:09,180 the gusta theater cats are duet it was a 1412 00:47:07,079 --> 00:47:12,180 privilege and just a joy to hear Ali 1413 00:47:09,180 --> 00:47:15,240 Singh her part of the duet each evening 1414 00:47:12,180 --> 00:47:18,000 and from only only a couple of feet 1415 00:47:15,240 --> 00:47:19,140 but feet away I should say but um it was 1416 00:47:18,000 --> 00:47:20,640 another one of these occasions where I 1417 00:47:19,140 --> 00:47:22,200 found I felt like I found my crew almost 1418 00:47:20,640 --> 00:47:24,180 the kindred spirits and I think there's 1419 00:47:22,200 --> 00:47:25,260 I've always felt that in the open source 1420 00:47:24,180 --> 00:47:27,119 community and I'd sort of been 1421 00:47:25,260 --> 00:47:29,099 peripherally involved as I said in in 1422 00:47:27,119 --> 00:47:31,619 theater but this is just a whole nother 1423 00:47:29,099 --> 00:47:34,140 level of sort of uh homecoming but for a 1424 00:47:31,619 --> 00:47:36,000 geeky kid and frankly a bit of a geeky 1425 00:47:34,140 --> 00:47:37,740 adult it was quite a wonderful jump to 1426 00:47:36,000 --> 00:47:39,660 to have made 1427 00:47:37,740 --> 00:47:42,619 right I know a couple of big shout outs 1428 00:47:39,660 --> 00:47:42,619 were on the downward 1429 00:47:44,220 --> 00:47:47,819 um two quick shout outs um wanted to do 1430 00:47:46,380 --> 00:47:50,040 real quick 1431 00:47:47,819 --> 00:47:51,720 I mentioned open power previously I'm no 1432 00:47:50,040 --> 00:47:54,180 longer the executive director but I'm 1433 00:47:51,720 --> 00:47:56,400 still involved in a voluntary capacity 1434 00:47:54,180 --> 00:47:58,079 but I did want to touch on just a very 1435 00:47:56,400 --> 00:48:00,180 one thing that happened since we last 1436 00:47:58,079 --> 00:48:01,859 since I last talked about it one of the 1437 00:48:00,180 --> 00:48:03,599 proudest moments has been part of the 1438 00:48:01,859 --> 00:48:05,400 open power community in that at the time 1439 00:48:03,599 --> 00:48:08,640 I was is we actually was my my own 1440 00:48:05,400 --> 00:48:09,839 Modest part in guiding the power Isa the 1441 00:48:08,640 --> 00:48:11,339 instruction set architecture the 1442 00:48:09,839 --> 00:48:13,740 detailed specifications of the power 1443 00:48:11,339 --> 00:48:15,359 microprocessor architecture to be an 1444 00:48:13,740 --> 00:48:17,640 open Isa which gives us as an open 1445 00:48:15,359 --> 00:48:19,740 technical Commons two choices at least 1446 00:48:17,640 --> 00:48:22,079 two now in the open microprocessor space 1447 00:48:19,740 --> 00:48:24,300 and I think open Computing particularly 1448 00:48:22,079 --> 00:48:25,560 that low open Hardware so level is going 1449 00:48:24,300 --> 00:48:27,060 to be tremendously important to our 1450 00:48:25,560 --> 00:48:28,920 ongoing successes it was an open 1451 00:48:27,060 --> 00:48:31,319 technical Commons it probably doesn't 1452 00:48:28,920 --> 00:48:32,640 get quite the visibility it should but I 1453 00:48:31,319 --> 00:48:36,740 did want to just give it a bit of a bit 1454 00:48:32,640 --> 00:48:36,740 of its um to you here thank you 1455 00:48:38,460 --> 00:48:42,420 so it's open open pair I've got some 1456 00:48:40,500 --> 00:48:44,099 interesting stuff going on both include 1457 00:48:42,420 --> 00:48:45,359 um some Libre or free silicon 1458 00:48:44,099 --> 00:48:47,220 implementations are on the way and 1459 00:48:45,359 --> 00:48:48,720 there's a power pie project and you can 1460 00:48:47,220 --> 00:48:52,579 join the dots as to what that might 1461 00:48:48,720 --> 00:48:52,579 might be like quick glass of water sorry 1462 00:48:55,020 --> 00:48:58,140 and I'd be remiss not to mention this 1463 00:48:56,640 --> 00:49:00,359 wonderful Bunch 1464 00:48:58,140 --> 00:49:02,040 um I'm very proud to be of what my team 1465 00:49:00,359 --> 00:49:04,200 and uh what we're doing overall at 1466 00:49:02,040 --> 00:49:05,220 grafana it's not a protocol to spend a 1467 00:49:04,200 --> 00:49:07,800 whole bunch of time doing a commercial 1468 00:49:05,220 --> 00:49:09,000 talk so I won't but you can try our 1469 00:49:07,800 --> 00:49:11,099 pretty useful 1470 00:49:09,000 --> 00:49:12,480 free forever plan it's a surprising 1471 00:49:11,099 --> 00:49:13,980 amount of data you can actually send up 1472 00:49:12,480 --> 00:49:15,420 to our service and it's actually free 1473 00:49:13,980 --> 00:49:17,160 for life so it's actually kind of quite 1474 00:49:15,420 --> 00:49:19,560 a useful thing and we do have some open 1475 00:49:17,160 --> 00:49:21,119 roles in APAC at the moment as well not 1476 00:49:19,560 --> 00:49:23,640 a ton of them but if they're of Interest 1477 00:49:21,119 --> 00:49:25,980 please do they'll come and 1478 00:49:23,640 --> 00:49:27,720 come now and chat to me 1479 00:49:25,980 --> 00:49:30,060 so 1480 00:49:27,720 --> 00:49:31,560 the final thing I talked a bit about 1481 00:49:30,060 --> 00:49:32,720 being an introvert and positive syndrome 1482 00:49:31,560 --> 00:49:34,740 backing yourself 1483 00:49:32,720 --> 00:49:36,420 having people to encourage you that's 1484 00:49:34,740 --> 00:49:37,920 the thing and I also like to acknowledge 1485 00:49:36,420 --> 00:49:39,060 my lovely partner Kate who's been 1486 00:49:37,920 --> 00:49:41,040 extremely supportive through all the 1487 00:49:39,060 --> 00:49:42,079 various twists and turns the last last 1488 00:49:41,040 --> 00:49:44,190 few years 1489 00:49:42,079 --> 00:49:46,680 thank you 1490 00:49:44,190 --> 00:49:48,359 [Applause] 1491 00:49:46,680 --> 00:49:50,760 um so I thought I'd try and set a good 1492 00:49:48,359 --> 00:49:52,140 example to put myself on the line a 1493 00:49:50,760 --> 00:49:55,079 little bit in the hope 1494 00:49:52,140 --> 00:49:57,380 it encourages you or I'm doesn't have 1495 00:49:55,079 --> 00:49:59,760 you running for the exit that's the case 1496 00:49:57,380 --> 00:50:01,200 anyway I figure it's one thing to sing 1497 00:49:59,760 --> 00:50:04,380 on stage in entire company and actors 1498 00:50:01,200 --> 00:50:06,599 and musicians around you or as I've done 1499 00:50:04,380 --> 00:50:09,599 and make up on for that matter and Lycra 1500 00:50:06,599 --> 00:50:09,599 yeah 1501 00:50:10,680 --> 00:50:14,700 um but something else to do at solo so I 1502 00:50:13,200 --> 00:50:16,200 thought I'll uh try and give you a 1503 00:50:14,700 --> 00:50:19,520 little like a pillar rendition Augusta 1504 00:50:16,200 --> 00:50:19,520 theater Captain to close 1505 00:50:23,099 --> 00:50:26,280 so I hope it inspires you to try things 1506 00:50:24,839 --> 00:50:27,610 you you wouldn't have thought you would 1507 00:50:26,280 --> 00:50:29,460 too 1508 00:50:27,610 --> 00:50:34,560 [Music] 1509 00:50:29,460 --> 00:50:41,220 I have played in my time every possible 1510 00:50:34,560 --> 00:50:43,460 part and I used to know 70 speeches by 1511 00:50:41,220 --> 00:50:47,880 heart 1512 00:50:43,460 --> 00:50:53,520 extemporized back chat I knew how to gag 1513 00:50:47,880 --> 00:50:54,480 and I knew how to let the cat out of the 1514 00:50:53,520 --> 00:50:59,520 bag 1515 00:50:54,480 --> 00:51:04,559 I knew how to act with my back and my 1516 00:50:59,520 --> 00:51:09,319 tail with an hour of rehearsal I never 1517 00:51:04,559 --> 00:51:14,160 could fail I'd a voice that would soften 1518 00:51:09,319 --> 00:51:20,460 the hardest of Hearts whether I took the 1519 00:51:14,160 --> 00:51:25,500 lead or in carried apart I have sat by 1520 00:51:20,460 --> 00:51:29,700 the bedside of poor little now when the 1521 00:51:25,500 --> 00:51:34,859 curfew was wrong then I swung on the 1522 00:51:29,700 --> 00:51:40,400 bell in the pantomime season I never 1523 00:51:34,859 --> 00:51:43,880 fell flat and I once understudied dick 1524 00:51:40,400 --> 00:51:50,059 whittington's cat but my grandest 1525 00:51:43,880 --> 00:51:55,920 creation as history will tell as fire 1526 00:51:50,059 --> 00:51:58,700 forfeittle the fiend of the fell 1527 00:51:55,920 --> 00:51:58,700 thank you 1528 00:52:00,390 --> 00:52:09,020 [Applause] 1529 00:52:05,839 --> 00:52:09,020 thank you 1530 00:52:17,400 --> 00:52:20,059 thank you 1531 00:52:20,280 --> 00:52:23,640 thank you that's about this most 1532 00:52:21,540 --> 00:52:26,400 gracious of you although I really am 1533 00:52:23,640 --> 00:52:27,300 done but I will just say one fine 1534 00:52:26,400 --> 00:52:29,099 um 1535 00:52:27,300 --> 00:52:30,660 Sarah touched on this when we came in 1536 00:52:29,099 --> 00:52:32,940 this morning when in her remarks this 1537 00:52:30,660 --> 00:52:34,440 morning but I had the Good Fortune to 1538 00:52:32,940 --> 00:52:36,540 catch up with a few folk at dinner last 1539 00:52:34,440 --> 00:52:38,640 night and then seeing him all today I 1540 00:52:36,540 --> 00:52:40,079 think it's just so wonderful to be part 1541 00:52:38,640 --> 00:52:41,220 of this community and so I wanted for us 1542 00:52:40,079 --> 00:52:42,660 to have the opportunity to be back 1543 00:52:41,220 --> 00:52:44,940 together in person I think it really is 1544 00:52:42,660 --> 00:52:46,740 a great thing about yourself to be 1545 00:52:44,940 --> 00:52:48,599 pleasantly surprised what you can do and 1546 00:52:46,740 --> 00:52:50,760 I hope today something's been something 1547 00:52:48,599 --> 00:52:52,380 that was inspired in some small way as 1548 00:52:50,760 --> 00:52:54,480 well we've got some links which I'll 1549 00:52:52,380 --> 00:52:56,160 share on my blog later they'll be up by 1550 00:52:54,480 --> 00:52:57,580 lunchtime hopefully 1551 00:52:56,160 --> 00:53:06,389 thank you again 1552 00:52:57,580 --> 00:53:06,389 [Applause]