1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:08,469 foreign 2 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:08,469 [Music] 3 00:00:11,040 --> 00:00:15,240 good morning everybody 4 00:00:12,540 --> 00:00:17,039 today we have Liz Stokes talking for us 5 00:00:15,240 --> 00:00:19,260 today 6 00:00:17,039 --> 00:00:21,000 um doing the presentation Hammer Time 7 00:00:19,260 --> 00:00:22,020 building carpentry communities in 8 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:24,000 Australia 9 00:00:22,020 --> 00:00:25,920 list Stokes is an enthusiastic company 10 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:27,779 of Bill champion of building community 11 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:30,000 and peer learning and open research 12 00:00:27,779 --> 00:00:31,679 tools and software at the Australia 13 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:33,420 research data Commons they lead a 14 00:00:31,679 --> 00:00:35,640 partnership National Partnership with 15 00:00:33,420 --> 00:00:37,559 the carpentries an organization which 16 00:00:35,640 --> 00:00:39,719 aims to effectively teach foundational 17 00:00:37,559 --> 00:00:40,980 coding and data science skills to 18 00:00:39,719 --> 00:00:43,079 researchers 19 00:00:40,980 --> 00:00:45,719 this is talk we'll discuss why people 20 00:00:43,079 --> 00:00:47,700 become carpentries instructors what 21 00:00:45,719 --> 00:00:49,260 programming challenges researchers face 22 00:00:47,700 --> 00:00:50,579 and what key things make a difference 23 00:00:49,260 --> 00:00:53,420 when you're building a supportive 24 00:00:50,579 --> 00:00:57,180 Community please welcome Liz 25 00:00:53,420 --> 00:00:59,520 [Applause] 26 00:00:57,180 --> 00:01:01,800 thank you everyone and thanks for 27 00:00:59,520 --> 00:01:04,080 bearing with me as we start a bit late 28 00:01:01,800 --> 00:01:04,920 that's my fault I'm perennially running 29 00:01:04,080 --> 00:01:07,860 late 30 00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:09,960 so woman Jacker which means welcome I'm 31 00:01:07,860 --> 00:01:12,479 excited to learn I'd like to begin by 32 00:01:09,960 --> 00:01:14,640 acknowledging the warranty Warren people 33 00:01:12,479 --> 00:01:17,820 of the kulin Nations the traditional 34 00:01:14,640 --> 00:01:19,740 custodians of the lands of nam I also 35 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:23,340 want to extend that acknowledgment to 36 00:01:19,740 --> 00:01:25,439 the traditional custodians of the lands 37 00:01:23,340 --> 00:01:27,780 where you're from I grew up on Stolen 38 00:01:25,439 --> 00:01:30,060 we're ready country and I live and work 39 00:01:27,780 --> 00:01:33,180 on the gadigal lands of the Euro people 40 00:01:30,060 --> 00:01:35,939 I play pay my respects to Elders past 41 00:01:33,180 --> 00:01:37,860 and present and extend my respects to 42 00:01:35,939 --> 00:01:40,220 any First Nations people in the room 43 00:01:37,860 --> 00:01:40,220 today 44 00:01:40,380 --> 00:01:46,140 okay so my keenest desire for the next 45 00:01:43,979 --> 00:01:48,840 45 minutes is to make good on all my 46 00:01:46,140 --> 00:01:50,159 promises in the abstract that I sent 47 00:01:48,840 --> 00:01:53,340 earlier this year 48 00:01:50,159 --> 00:01:55,140 caveat that might not happen but let's 49 00:01:53,340 --> 00:01:58,579 see that that's what question time is 50 00:01:55,140 --> 00:02:00,720 for right okay there must be something 51 00:01:58,579 --> 00:02:01,979 that acceptance means there must be 52 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:04,619 something in the abstract that was 53 00:02:01,979 --> 00:02:07,200 intriguing or particularly wrong perhaps 54 00:02:04,619 --> 00:02:10,440 like asserting that stop collaborate and 55 00:02:07,200 --> 00:02:12,200 listen are indeed in fact not M.C hammer 56 00:02:10,440 --> 00:02:15,000 lyrics but Vanilla Ice 57 00:02:12,200 --> 00:02:17,459 so I'm really looking forward to what 58 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:20,160 your opinions about this is and what 59 00:02:17,459 --> 00:02:22,200 questions around this partnership you 60 00:02:20,160 --> 00:02:26,340 may have in fact 61 00:02:22,200 --> 00:02:28,800 um yeah so look I started with um MC 62 00:02:26,340 --> 00:02:30,239 Hammer and this idea of hammer time as 63 00:02:28,800 --> 00:02:32,459 an appropriate metaphor for the 64 00:02:30,239 --> 00:02:34,140 carpentries which are in fact not a 65 00:02:32,459 --> 00:02:37,400 carpentry 66 00:02:34,140 --> 00:02:41,040 um physical tooling with wood process 67 00:02:37,400 --> 00:02:42,720 but a an organization that teaches 68 00:02:41,040 --> 00:02:46,800 foundational coding and data science 69 00:02:42,720 --> 00:02:49,860 skills to research communities worldwide 70 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:53,099 I would like you to consider me as 71 00:02:49,860 --> 00:02:55,920 something like a theremin player for the 72 00:02:53,099 --> 00:02:58,920 purposes of this talk you know 73 00:02:55,920 --> 00:03:02,660 I am merely a conductor perhaps I could 74 00:02:58,920 --> 00:03:02,660 say I'm a semiconductor 75 00:03:04,379 --> 00:03:07,700 yes you're with me 76 00:03:10,459 --> 00:03:18,300 good okay so of ideas connections which 77 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:19,980 represent the shared Endeavors of the 78 00:03:18,300 --> 00:03:24,120 money many wonderful community 79 00:03:19,980 --> 00:03:26,280 volunteers and participants that are all 80 00:03:24,120 --> 00:03:29,760 involved in in the carpentries and 81 00:03:26,280 --> 00:03:32,760 Beyond okay so my model for today's talk 82 00:03:29,760 --> 00:03:36,180 is a mullet as you can see there 83 00:03:32,760 --> 00:03:39,720 um okay the mullet this uh you know uh 84 00:03:36,180 --> 00:03:41,459 also from the 80s or and indeed some of 85 00:03:39,720 --> 00:03:44,340 the early 90s mullet was a popular 86 00:03:41,459 --> 00:03:46,200 hairstyle and it was often referred to 87 00:03:44,340 --> 00:03:49,200 as something where you had business in 88 00:03:46,200 --> 00:03:51,599 the front and a party in the back and so 89 00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:53,459 that's my model for today so the 90 00:03:51,599 --> 00:03:56,340 business in the front is going to tell 91 00:03:53,459 --> 00:03:58,019 you about tell you a lot about ardc my 92 00:03:56,340 --> 00:04:01,340 organization tell you about the 93 00:03:58,019 --> 00:04:05,099 carpentries one of our RDC 94 00:04:01,340 --> 00:04:07,200 recent products called uh dresser and 95 00:04:05,099 --> 00:04:10,200 then do the party in the back which is 96 00:04:07,200 --> 00:04:14,099 the extended metaphor of stop 97 00:04:10,200 --> 00:04:16,139 collaborate and listen Okay stop 98 00:04:14,099 --> 00:04:17,519 um which is why researchers want to 99 00:04:16,139 --> 00:04:20,040 become carpentry's instructors 100 00:04:17,519 --> 00:04:20,959 collaborate what programming challenges 101 00:04:20,040 --> 00:04:25,020 do 102 00:04:20,959 --> 00:04:26,580 researchers face and thinking about what 103 00:04:25,020 --> 00:04:28,500 key things make a difference when 104 00:04:26,580 --> 00:04:30,900 building community 105 00:04:28,500 --> 00:04:34,020 that last one listen is kind of peppered 106 00:04:30,900 --> 00:04:35,639 throughout the talk and is not anyway a 107 00:04:34,020 --> 00:04:37,919 reason 108 00:04:35,639 --> 00:04:40,199 um because I couldn't finish the last 109 00:04:37,919 --> 00:04:43,979 slide 110 00:04:40,199 --> 00:04:47,759 okay so what's the carpentries and Arc 111 00:04:43,979 --> 00:04:51,000 got to do Got to Do with It 112 00:04:47,759 --> 00:04:52,800 um that's a reference to Tina Turner and 113 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:54,180 that's how I learn actually if I can 114 00:04:52,800 --> 00:04:56,419 make a pun or a joke about something 115 00:04:54,180 --> 00:04:58,919 even if it's terrible 116 00:04:56,419 --> 00:05:01,979 especially if it's terrible I know that 117 00:04:58,919 --> 00:05:05,100 I'm learning and to me that emphasizes 118 00:05:01,979 --> 00:05:07,680 one of the really important things about 119 00:05:05,100 --> 00:05:09,780 skill sharing and something that is 120 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:12,479 critical to building trainer capacity 121 00:05:09,780 --> 00:05:15,600 and that is that enablement is a social 122 00:05:12,479 --> 00:05:17,820 Endeavor so the problem that we're 123 00:05:15,600 --> 00:05:19,620 trying to solve is that there is a big 124 00:05:17,820 --> 00:05:22,560 computational skills gap for researchers 125 00:05:19,620 --> 00:05:24,300 across Australia indeed the world and we 126 00:05:22,560 --> 00:05:26,460 want to make it easier for them to do 127 00:05:24,300 --> 00:05:28,259 the right thing in terms of managing 128 00:05:26,460 --> 00:05:30,060 their research data and the software 129 00:05:28,259 --> 00:05:30,660 that they write to 130 00:05:30,060 --> 00:05:33,419 um 131 00:05:30,660 --> 00:05:35,000 do things with their to access do things 132 00:05:33,419 --> 00:05:37,320 with that data 133 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:40,919 I'd like to give a shout out to Donna 134 00:05:37,320 --> 00:05:44,520 Benjamin here who for introducing that 135 00:05:40,919 --> 00:05:47,400 concept of enablement which refers to 136 00:05:44,520 --> 00:05:51,240 that social side of 137 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:53,880 um of upskilling a Workforce 138 00:05:51,240 --> 00:05:55,620 so let's get down to business so the 139 00:05:53,880 --> 00:05:57,060 next few slides are going to be fairly 140 00:05:55,620 --> 00:05:58,860 sort of Business Heavy and a lot of 141 00:05:57,060 --> 00:06:00,300 feature a lot of 142 00:05:58,860 --> 00:06:03,199 um 143 00:06:00,300 --> 00:06:03,199 logos 144 00:06:04,020 --> 00:06:10,020 who here has heard of the ardc can I see 145 00:06:07,139 --> 00:06:12,840 your hand a smattering okay cool a bit 146 00:06:10,020 --> 00:06:15,780 groovy okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna dive 147 00:06:12,840 --> 00:06:17,520 into some of our um uh who we are and 148 00:06:15,780 --> 00:06:19,620 our reason for being 149 00:06:17,520 --> 00:06:20,820 the ardc was established under the 150 00:06:19,620 --> 00:06:22,860 Australian government's National 151 00:06:20,820 --> 00:06:25,500 collaborative research infrastructure 152 00:06:22,860 --> 00:06:27,780 strategy we know this is interest in 153 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:29,819 2019 this National research 154 00:06:27,780 --> 00:06:32,580 infrastructure could be a physical 155 00:06:29,819 --> 00:06:35,039 instrument like an electronic microscope 156 00:06:32,580 --> 00:06:37,680 or it could be a service like 157 00:06:35,039 --> 00:06:40,259 manufacturing of nanotechnology it could 158 00:06:37,680 --> 00:06:42,360 be digital like Cloud compute as it 159 00:06:40,259 --> 00:06:43,740 tends to be bigger in scale than any 160 00:06:42,360 --> 00:06:45,600 single 161 00:06:43,740 --> 00:06:47,840 um or group of universities could 162 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:50,819 provide their researchers 163 00:06:47,840 --> 00:06:53,580 ardc is now a not performing Company 164 00:06:50,819 --> 00:06:56,280 Limited by guarantee which along with 25 165 00:06:53,580 --> 00:06:58,319 other organizations supported by encris 166 00:06:56,280 --> 00:07:00,780 that you can see here provide National 167 00:06:58,319 --> 00:07:03,660 research infrastructure for Australian 168 00:07:00,780 --> 00:07:05,880 researchers interesting fact for this 169 00:07:03,660 --> 00:07:07,680 community here the directors these 170 00:07:05,880 --> 00:07:11,039 anchors directors recently put out a 171 00:07:07,680 --> 00:07:12,900 paper calling for a separate category or 172 00:07:11,039 --> 00:07:15,300 employment category for research 173 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:19,680 infrastructure Specialists arguing that 174 00:07:15,300 --> 00:07:21,660 the current eba's folk work well for 175 00:07:19,680 --> 00:07:24,720 professional staff and academic staff at 176 00:07:21,660 --> 00:07:27,419 universities but they they don't respond 177 00:07:24,720 --> 00:07:29,340 to the particular needs and career 178 00:07:27,419 --> 00:07:31,740 development of people working in 179 00:07:29,340 --> 00:07:34,020 research infrastructure so when I 180 00:07:31,740 --> 00:07:36,960 eventually share these slides there's a 181 00:07:34,020 --> 00:07:38,940 link there to that paper which you may 182 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:40,259 find interesting 183 00:07:38,940 --> 00:07:42,479 okay 184 00:07:40,259 --> 00:07:44,520 so we have who are these member 185 00:07:42,479 --> 00:07:47,160 organizations 186 00:07:44,520 --> 00:07:51,240 um these we have 21 member organizations 187 00:07:47,160 --> 00:07:53,720 nine of which host our staff across 188 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:53,720 Australia 189 00:07:53,819 --> 00:07:58,860 so what is a research data Commons okay 190 00:07:56,880 --> 00:08:01,319 so while we're called the Australian 191 00:07:58,860 --> 00:08:03,960 research data Commons uh what we want to 192 00:08:01,319 --> 00:08:04,860 do is build National research data 193 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:08,160 Commons 194 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:09,780 for Australia our purpose as we see it 195 00:08:08,160 --> 00:08:11,819 is to provide Australian researchers 196 00:08:09,780 --> 00:08:14,160 with the competitive advantage through 197 00:08:11,819 --> 00:08:16,199 data and we accelerate research and 198 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:18,900 Innovation by driving excellence in the 199 00:08:16,199 --> 00:08:21,120 creation analysis and retention of high 200 00:08:18,900 --> 00:08:23,580 quality data assets 201 00:08:21,120 --> 00:08:25,080 no one can do any of this unless they 202 00:08:23,580 --> 00:08:29,039 have the skills to use that 203 00:08:25,080 --> 00:08:30,840 infrastructure which is where we come in 204 00:08:29,039 --> 00:08:34,979 I work for the skills and Workforce 205 00:08:30,840 --> 00:08:37,860 Development team in the trainer and my 206 00:08:34,979 --> 00:08:42,060 focus here on this wheel is over in 207 00:08:37,860 --> 00:08:45,060 section five Community leadership with 208 00:08:42,060 --> 00:08:48,240 respect to the trainer communities of 209 00:08:45,060 --> 00:08:49,920 Australia we have found that the 210 00:08:48,240 --> 00:08:53,459 training Community for digital research 211 00:08:49,920 --> 00:08:56,220 skills is often disconnected time poor 212 00:08:53,459 --> 00:08:58,500 siled within research institutions and 213 00:08:56,220 --> 00:09:01,040 unable to find best practice training 214 00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:01,040 materials 215 00:09:01,560 --> 00:09:06,180 at this point I would also like to give 216 00:09:03,779 --> 00:09:10,140 a shout out to some of the open 217 00:09:06,180 --> 00:09:12,959 credentials of ardc and that is to flag 218 00:09:10,140 --> 00:09:16,019 here that our nectar team who run a 219 00:09:12,959 --> 00:09:19,800 research Cloud use openstack and are 220 00:09:16,019 --> 00:09:21,899 part of the open infra Foundation 221 00:09:19,800 --> 00:09:24,480 what's also interesting about this slide 222 00:09:21,899 --> 00:09:25,740 here is that two of our nodes qsf the 223 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:30,300 Queensland cyber infrastructure 224 00:09:25,740 --> 00:09:32,519 foundation and intersect uh significant 225 00:09:30,300 --> 00:09:35,100 trainer organizations for the research 226 00:09:32,519 --> 00:09:37,140 sector and their foundational members of 227 00:09:35,100 --> 00:09:40,260 our partnership that we run they play a 228 00:09:37,140 --> 00:09:43,040 really key role in in that 229 00:09:40,260 --> 00:09:47,640 okay here's my transitional slide 230 00:09:43,040 --> 00:09:51,000 where I move away from my material from 231 00:09:47,640 --> 00:09:54,000 the comms team and into my own slides 232 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:55,740 okay so I like to think about skills 233 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:58,440 training as a Rubik's Cube It's 234 00:09:55,740 --> 00:10:00,660 Complicated and brightly colored 235 00:09:58,440 --> 00:10:03,899 the transition point is that I would 236 00:10:00,660 --> 00:10:06,000 like to um I want to spend my time on 237 00:10:03,899 --> 00:10:07,740 the hands what the hands are doing how 238 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:11,459 the hands are solving the problem okay 239 00:10:07,740 --> 00:10:14,040 it's not about the abstract con Concepts 240 00:10:11,459 --> 00:10:17,519 it's how do we you know work together 241 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:19,560 right okay to in order to solve the cube 242 00:10:17,519 --> 00:10:22,080 and what are we doing to 243 00:10:19,560 --> 00:10:24,720 um increase the efficacy of skills 244 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:26,760 trainers in doing that 245 00:10:24,720 --> 00:10:28,019 okay so now it's time to talk about the 246 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:31,080 carpentries 247 00:10:28,019 --> 00:10:33,899 so they're a non-profit global volunteer 248 00:10:31,080 --> 00:10:36,540 organization that trains people in 249 00:10:33,899 --> 00:10:39,180 software development and data science 250 00:10:36,540 --> 00:10:41,279 skills they build community and local 251 00:10:39,180 --> 00:10:44,100 capacity through a train the Train the 252 00:10:41,279 --> 00:10:47,420 program and that's what I'm going to 253 00:10:44,100 --> 00:10:49,940 that's essentially the reason why we 254 00:10:47,420 --> 00:10:52,980 started this partnership to give people 255 00:10:49,940 --> 00:10:54,720 easier access to becoming a carpentry's 256 00:10:52,980 --> 00:10:57,180 instructor 257 00:10:54,720 --> 00:11:00,000 the focus for the carpentries is on 258 00:10:57,180 --> 00:11:03,560 novice Learners and also how to teach 259 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:06,300 them so and I'll get into some of those 260 00:11:03,560 --> 00:11:09,839 factors now 261 00:11:06,300 --> 00:11:12,420 so there are three lesson program 262 00:11:09,839 --> 00:11:14,820 areas to the carpentries software 263 00:11:12,420 --> 00:11:18,000 carpentry data and Library 264 00:11:14,820 --> 00:11:20,579 software carpentry is for people who are 265 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:24,420 learning to code to develop software so 266 00:11:20,579 --> 00:11:25,620 it tends to focus and be fairly domain 267 00:11:24,420 --> 00:11:28,019 independent 268 00:11:25,620 --> 00:11:30,000 data carpentry workshops tend to be 269 00:11:28,019 --> 00:11:32,040 domain targeted where and teach 270 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:34,279 researchers to work more effectively and 271 00:11:32,040 --> 00:11:37,800 reproducibly with 272 00:11:34,279 --> 00:11:40,440 discipline focused data sets and Library 273 00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:42,240 carpentry workshops are for people who 274 00:11:40,440 --> 00:11:45,899 want to build software and data skills 275 00:11:42,240 --> 00:11:47,640 managing collections so this is where 276 00:11:45,899 --> 00:11:49,620 um this might be of interest to people 277 00:11:47,640 --> 00:11:52,140 across the Glam sector galleries 278 00:11:49,620 --> 00:11:54,920 libraries archives and museums equally 279 00:11:52,140 --> 00:11:57,360 some Humanities social science 280 00:11:54,920 --> 00:12:00,779 researchers may find the library 281 00:11:57,360 --> 00:12:01,700 carpentry curricula more relevant to 282 00:12:00,779 --> 00:12:03,260 them 283 00:12:01,700 --> 00:12:05,940 and 284 00:12:03,260 --> 00:12:10,140 the idea about calling all of this 285 00:12:05,940 --> 00:12:12,420 carpentries is that we use it to refer 286 00:12:10,140 --> 00:12:14,579 to the basics like learning how to nail 287 00:12:12,420 --> 00:12:15,800 two boards together or putting up a wall 288 00:12:14,579 --> 00:12:19,140 straight 289 00:12:15,800 --> 00:12:22,019 so the idea is after attending a 290 00:12:19,140 --> 00:12:27,000 carpentry's workshop researchers are 291 00:12:22,019 --> 00:12:29,579 enabled to come back to this um this 292 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:33,800 this computational area themselves with 293 00:12:29,579 --> 00:12:33,800 the confidence to try something new 294 00:12:34,140 --> 00:12:39,420 okay why do we choose the carpentries to 295 00:12:37,079 --> 00:12:41,100 uplift the trainer Community let's look 296 00:12:39,420 --> 00:12:44,060 at the market landscape for digital 297 00:12:41,100 --> 00:12:47,279 skills training against two key drivers 298 00:12:44,060 --> 00:12:49,920 you've Community coming up the vertical 299 00:12:47,279 --> 00:12:51,899 axis and 300 00:12:49,920 --> 00:12:55,800 um open and reproducible methods coming 301 00:12:51,899 --> 00:13:00,120 along the bottom access axis 302 00:12:55,800 --> 00:13:03,180 okay so you can see up in the up in the 303 00:13:00,120 --> 00:13:05,100 top right the carpentry is there stored 304 00:13:03,180 --> 00:13:06,420 out as 305 00:13:05,100 --> 00:13:09,000 um 306 00:13:06,420 --> 00:13:11,339 coming out on top for both of those 307 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:14,040 areas 308 00:13:11,339 --> 00:13:15,839 in fact both raspberries and there is a 309 00:13:14,040 --> 00:13:18,500 raspberry slide in here because I will 310 00:13:15,839 --> 00:13:21,300 always I will always put one in 311 00:13:18,500 --> 00:13:23,639 so I'll explain that if it's unfamiliar 312 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:25,740 to you offer that networking and 313 00:13:23,639 --> 00:13:27,899 collaboration both of those are about 314 00:13:25,740 --> 00:13:31,700 paying attention to the social nature of 315 00:13:27,899 --> 00:13:31,700 learning and doing research 316 00:13:31,860 --> 00:13:37,860 so the first reason we initiated a 317 00:13:35,160 --> 00:13:40,019 partnership was because individual 318 00:13:37,860 --> 00:13:42,060 organization memberships were not 319 00:13:40,019 --> 00:13:43,200 growing in the community actually that 320 00:13:42,060 --> 00:13:45,480 might have been something I forgot to 321 00:13:43,200 --> 00:13:47,579 mention previously that while the 322 00:13:45,480 --> 00:13:51,360 carpentries is a volunteer organization 323 00:13:47,579 --> 00:13:53,940 they receive grant funding from their 324 00:13:51,360 --> 00:13:55,740 fiscally sponsored initiative from this 325 00:13:53,940 --> 00:13:59,940 an organization called Community 326 00:13:55,740 --> 00:14:03,240 initiatives in the United States and 327 00:13:59,940 --> 00:14:06,180 then organizations become members and 328 00:14:03,240 --> 00:14:08,399 that pays the and those fees sustain the 329 00:14:06,180 --> 00:14:12,360 organization 330 00:14:08,399 --> 00:14:16,380 so what we wanted to do is was create 331 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:18,420 reasons for local coordination to renew 332 00:14:16,380 --> 00:14:20,820 and grow the existing instructor 333 00:14:18,420 --> 00:14:23,100 community and also to encourage 334 00:14:20,820 --> 00:14:25,260 collaboration between institutions and 335 00:14:23,100 --> 00:14:27,360 broker relationships between them it's 336 00:14:25,260 --> 00:14:29,519 one of those problems about trained 337 00:14:27,360 --> 00:14:32,399 digital skills trainers being isolated 338 00:14:29,519 --> 00:14:34,980 and siled and not recognized in their 339 00:14:32,399 --> 00:14:36,540 official capacity is that you know 340 00:14:34,980 --> 00:14:39,000 they're they're all 341 00:14:36,540 --> 00:14:41,160 um well they because they were siled so 342 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:43,320 we wanted to create a reason for those 343 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:46,680 people to come together and contribute 344 00:14:43,320 --> 00:14:48,959 to a a broader community 345 00:14:46,680 --> 00:14:51,000 we also wanted to build capacity for 346 00:14:48,959 --> 00:14:53,880 digital research skills among Australian 347 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:56,760 researchers and service providers for 348 00:14:53,880 --> 00:14:58,980 example qcf and intersect and also 349 00:14:56,760 --> 00:15:01,620 increase the efficacy of digital skills 350 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:04,260 trainers through the Train the trainer 351 00:15:01,620 --> 00:15:07,100 program which features pedagogical 352 00:15:04,260 --> 00:15:11,240 Theory evidence-based practice and 353 00:15:07,100 --> 00:15:11,240 evaluation and assessment 354 00:15:12,899 --> 00:15:19,019 so these are some of the organizations 355 00:15:15,779 --> 00:15:21,060 in our partnership so people become a 356 00:15:19,019 --> 00:15:22,860 partner join our partnership because 357 00:15:21,060 --> 00:15:25,860 they want a number of instructors 358 00:15:22,860 --> 00:15:26,480 trained per year 359 00:15:25,860 --> 00:15:29,399 um 360 00:15:26,480 --> 00:15:34,199 we so we take out the membership that's 361 00:15:29,399 --> 00:15:37,139 on ardc and then we we on sell seats 362 00:15:34,199 --> 00:15:40,800 um in in that capacity 363 00:15:37,139 --> 00:15:43,260 um our our reach across Australia 364 00:15:40,800 --> 00:15:45,779 um also in addition to those two major 365 00:15:43,260 --> 00:15:49,500 uh training organizations includes two 366 00:15:45,779 --> 00:15:51,600 HPC centers and we have representing 367 00:15:49,500 --> 00:15:55,459 representation from universities from 368 00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:59,399 west to east and research infrastructure 369 00:15:55,459 --> 00:16:03,120 from ardc and Arnett the New Kids on the 370 00:15:59,399 --> 00:16:04,860 Block uh the Burnett Institute and Ames 371 00:16:03,120 --> 00:16:07,199 Australian Institute of Marine Science 372 00:16:04,860 --> 00:16:11,519 and we're finding more interest growing 373 00:16:07,199 --> 00:16:15,540 from smaller groups or you know on a lab 374 00:16:11,519 --> 00:16:19,380 site almost a lab size interest rather 375 00:16:15,540 --> 00:16:23,100 than a a big Institution 376 00:16:19,380 --> 00:16:25,199 okay last year here are our five 377 00:16:23,100 --> 00:16:28,620 instructor trainers so we call them 378 00:16:25,199 --> 00:16:31,860 trainers by for short and these trainers 379 00:16:28,620 --> 00:16:34,019 taught 80 brought 85 researchers and 380 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:35,820 research support people through our 381 00:16:34,019 --> 00:16:38,639 training last year 382 00:16:35,820 --> 00:16:40,620 I'm gonna tell you uh and these are the 383 00:16:38,639 --> 00:16:45,320 numbers of of or that's the geographical 384 00:16:40,620 --> 00:16:45,320 spread of where we reached people 385 00:16:45,839 --> 00:16:51,300 so one of the things that I do want to 386 00:16:49,139 --> 00:16:53,880 highlight is some of that assessment 387 00:16:51,300 --> 00:16:54,500 process so when 388 00:16:53,880 --> 00:16:58,440 um 389 00:16:54,500 --> 00:17:01,139 when people go through their undertake 390 00:16:58,440 --> 00:17:03,300 their instructor training which is 391 00:17:01,139 --> 00:17:04,799 usually about 16 hours of workshop and 392 00:17:03,300 --> 00:17:06,839 that's typically online 393 00:17:04,799 --> 00:17:09,900 we also require them to participate 394 00:17:06,839 --> 00:17:13,439 online in a community discussion to 395 00:17:09,900 --> 00:17:16,020 submit a contribution to a lesson repo 396 00:17:13,439 --> 00:17:18,120 on GitHub and also to pass an online 397 00:17:16,020 --> 00:17:22,579 teaching demonstration which trainers 398 00:17:18,120 --> 00:17:22,579 such as myself assess people on 399 00:17:23,280 --> 00:17:28,500 if you are interested so there are two 400 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:30,360 ways that you might could get involved 401 00:17:28,500 --> 00:17:32,160 in this kind of instructor training if 402 00:17:30,360 --> 00:17:34,320 you're starting to see some of these 403 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:37,020 skills being interested being relevant 404 00:17:34,320 --> 00:17:39,299 to you one of those is for you to talk 405 00:17:37,020 --> 00:17:41,820 to your organization about membership 406 00:17:39,299 --> 00:17:44,580 taking out a carpentry's membership or 407 00:17:41,820 --> 00:17:47,820 you could also come in through the open 408 00:17:44,580 --> 00:17:49,740 instructor eoi process so I can show you 409 00:17:47,820 --> 00:17:52,440 how to get to that form so on the 410 00:17:49,740 --> 00:17:54,299 carpentry's website but sort of sort of 411 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:56,160 hidden a bit 412 00:17:54,299 --> 00:17:58,020 okay 413 00:17:56,160 --> 00:18:00,840 right well here's the question in the 414 00:17:58,020 --> 00:18:03,600 room why do people become instructors 415 00:18:00,840 --> 00:18:06,059 often it's to gain greater insight into 416 00:18:03,600 --> 00:18:07,559 the tools that they're using the older 417 00:18:06,059 --> 00:18:09,600 age you don't really know something 418 00:18:07,559 --> 00:18:13,140 until you've tried to teach someone else 419 00:18:09,600 --> 00:18:15,419 is relevant here so going a little bit 420 00:18:13,140 --> 00:18:20,100 deeper some of those skills that we 421 00:18:15,419 --> 00:18:22,580 teach are about get and using GitHub the 422 00:18:20,100 --> 00:18:26,400 Unix shell 423 00:18:22,580 --> 00:18:30,660 Python and R and there are new there is 424 00:18:26,400 --> 00:18:33,419 new curriculum developing all the time 425 00:18:30,660 --> 00:18:38,340 but there are other benefits to to the 426 00:18:33,419 --> 00:18:41,760 community that the carpentry support and 427 00:18:38,340 --> 00:18:44,940 that includes by becoming a volunteer it 428 00:18:41,760 --> 00:18:46,940 means you learn how to interact and 429 00:18:44,940 --> 00:18:49,500 learn a lot of interpersonal skills 430 00:18:46,940 --> 00:18:52,080 because you interact with a wide range 431 00:18:49,500 --> 00:18:55,620 of Learners from a big range of 432 00:18:52,080 --> 00:18:57,419 backgrounds we are a a global 433 00:18:55,620 --> 00:18:59,820 organization 434 00:18:57,419 --> 00:19:01,679 you can also gain useful perspectives 435 00:18:59,820 --> 00:19:04,440 and adaptability through teaching 436 00:19:01,679 --> 00:19:07,440 audiences with different levels of skill 437 00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:09,480 and also to develop research and 438 00:19:07,440 --> 00:19:12,120 teaching in insights by instructors 439 00:19:09,480 --> 00:19:16,520 learning Learners instructing Learners 440 00:19:12,120 --> 00:19:16,520 in disciplines other than your own 441 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:22,220 the other reason I reckon people stay 442 00:19:20,820 --> 00:19:25,080 involved 443 00:19:22,220 --> 00:19:28,080 or get involved in the carpentries is 444 00:19:25,080 --> 00:19:30,419 that idea of serendipity and I'm going 445 00:19:28,080 --> 00:19:33,900 to use the example of res Bears to 446 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:36,000 explain what I mean by Serendipity so 447 00:19:33,900 --> 00:19:38,820 for those of you unfamiliar with res 448 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:40,919 Buzz it's short for research bizarre 449 00:19:38,820 --> 00:19:43,559 started in Melbourne Melbourne uni 450 00:19:40,919 --> 00:19:47,780 started it off in 2015 and since then it 451 00:19:43,559 --> 00:19:50,880 has grown to be a very decentralized 452 00:19:47,780 --> 00:19:53,220 bunch of conferences for researchers 453 00:19:50,880 --> 00:19:55,500 that are all about bringing people 454 00:19:53,220 --> 00:19:57,539 together to access and learn about new 455 00:19:55,500 --> 00:20:00,419 tools and Technology solve practical 456 00:19:57,539 --> 00:20:02,900 problems so we can translate research to 457 00:20:00,419 --> 00:20:02,900 society 458 00:20:03,419 --> 00:20:09,660 um 459 00:20:05,340 --> 00:20:11,340 so one thing that's great about resvers 460 00:20:09,660 --> 00:20:13,740 because it tends to be City based and 461 00:20:11,340 --> 00:20:16,620 in-person event 462 00:20:13,740 --> 00:20:19,200 is that you get people from different 463 00:20:16,620 --> 00:20:21,660 disciplines different institutions all 464 00:20:19,200 --> 00:20:24,179 in the same room and you're in a 465 00:20:21,660 --> 00:20:26,760 learning environment together so you are 466 00:20:24,179 --> 00:20:28,320 able to access that Serendipity of oh my 467 00:20:26,760 --> 00:20:30,600 goodness we have exactly the same 468 00:20:28,320 --> 00:20:32,280 problem even though we're at you know 469 00:20:30,600 --> 00:20:34,559 either completely different disciplines 470 00:20:32,280 --> 00:20:36,660 and I wouldn't have met you otherwise or 471 00:20:34,559 --> 00:20:40,200 we do exactly the same thing but we're 472 00:20:36,660 --> 00:20:41,820 at different institutions so that kind 473 00:20:40,200 --> 00:20:43,620 of serendipity that you get out of 474 00:20:41,820 --> 00:20:46,559 coming together with a bunch of friendly 475 00:20:43,620 --> 00:20:48,900 strangers who are all committed to 476 00:20:46,559 --> 00:20:51,539 um to building a community and have an 477 00:20:48,900 --> 00:20:53,880 interest in open tools and scholarship 478 00:20:51,539 --> 00:20:55,500 is probably something that everyone here 479 00:20:53,880 --> 00:20:58,860 knows about because you've been doing it 480 00:20:55,500 --> 00:21:01,919 by coming to this conference and that's 481 00:20:58,860 --> 00:21:05,640 also why people join the carpentries as 482 00:21:01,919 --> 00:21:07,340 well in fact rezbez was formed on the 483 00:21:05,640 --> 00:21:10,740 basis of running 484 00:21:07,340 --> 00:21:14,460 carpentry's workshops for at scale okay 485 00:21:10,740 --> 00:21:17,100 in a in a festival kind of environment 486 00:21:14,460 --> 00:21:19,500 and and it continues but that's not the 487 00:21:17,100 --> 00:21:22,380 topic of my talk unfortunately 488 00:21:19,500 --> 00:21:24,299 so coming back to what I was trying to 489 00:21:22,380 --> 00:21:27,720 make myself do 490 00:21:24,299 --> 00:21:30,780 um okay so now it's the party time 491 00:21:27,720 --> 00:21:32,400 but I think that kind of gives you false 492 00:21:30,780 --> 00:21:34,559 expectations about the quality of my 493 00:21:32,400 --> 00:21:36,360 slides from here on in 494 00:21:34,559 --> 00:21:39,840 what programming challenges do 495 00:21:36,360 --> 00:21:41,820 researchers face I'm not an expert and I 496 00:21:39,840 --> 00:21:43,760 think you probably have a really good 497 00:21:41,820 --> 00:21:46,580 idea of this yourself 498 00:21:43,760 --> 00:21:49,980 from my experience 499 00:21:46,580 --> 00:21:51,960 one of the chief problems are how do I 500 00:21:49,980 --> 00:21:53,640 get started you know how do I learn 501 00:21:51,960 --> 00:21:55,679 these skills how do I even know that 502 00:21:53,640 --> 00:21:58,320 these skills are relevant to me if I 503 00:21:55,679 --> 00:22:01,919 want to be able to access this research 504 00:21:58,320 --> 00:22:04,740 infrastructure and and not piss off the 505 00:22:01,919 --> 00:22:07,440 developers and the tech support so so 506 00:22:04,740 --> 00:22:09,659 there's that problem space 507 00:22:07,440 --> 00:22:12,960 then there's also where can I find 508 00:22:09,659 --> 00:22:16,200 support so it is really hard for 509 00:22:12,960 --> 00:22:18,960 researchers to find and access the 510 00:22:16,200 --> 00:22:21,659 relevant people folk who are available 511 00:22:18,960 --> 00:22:25,440 to support them in their in their Tech 512 00:22:21,659 --> 00:22:28,380 Endeavors at universities 513 00:22:25,440 --> 00:22:31,440 and that's where things like and I'll 514 00:22:28,380 --> 00:22:34,679 I'll move into uh some examples of stuff 515 00:22:31,440 --> 00:22:36,740 that ardc is doing to make visible that 516 00:22:34,679 --> 00:22:39,780 information 517 00:22:36,740 --> 00:22:42,960 the final challenge here that I've got 518 00:22:39,780 --> 00:22:47,039 on this screen is about that concept of 519 00:22:42,960 --> 00:22:49,679 research quality software which seems to 520 00:22:47,039 --> 00:22:52,799 be something that many people here know 521 00:22:49,679 --> 00:22:54,960 about and grown as much as they do 522 00:22:52,799 --> 00:22:58,140 towards my terrible funds 523 00:22:54,960 --> 00:23:01,320 so um encapsulated here I've called it 524 00:22:58,140 --> 00:23:04,080 my code is not good enough oh 525 00:23:01,320 --> 00:23:05,520 my code is good enough for research but 526 00:23:04,080 --> 00:23:07,200 not good enough for sharing don't people 527 00:23:05,520 --> 00:23:09,059 don't want to see it 528 00:23:07,200 --> 00:23:10,799 um and that's that's one of the big 529 00:23:09,059 --> 00:23:12,960 challenges that we face 530 00:23:10,799 --> 00:23:15,840 um in my sort of data librarian capacity 531 00:23:12,960 --> 00:23:18,960 uh teaching data sharing and Publishing 532 00:23:15,840 --> 00:23:20,400 skills that people don't want to share 533 00:23:18,960 --> 00:23:22,799 data and don't want to share softly 534 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:24,960 mainly because they're embarrassed about 535 00:23:22,799 --> 00:23:28,799 what the committee might think when they 536 00:23:24,960 --> 00:23:30,659 show it to each other so there's 537 00:23:28,799 --> 00:23:33,360 there's a thing 538 00:23:30,659 --> 00:23:36,179 um that I'll may I hopefully we'll come 539 00:23:33,360 --> 00:23:38,940 back to later in in the summary 540 00:23:36,179 --> 00:23:40,260 okay so a couple of things that ardc are 541 00:23:38,940 --> 00:23:42,179 doing 542 00:23:40,260 --> 00:23:46,380 um here 543 00:23:42,179 --> 00:23:48,419 one of them is this portal 544 00:23:46,380 --> 00:23:51,000 but realistically it's a metadata 545 00:23:48,419 --> 00:23:53,280 aggregator called dreza you could call 546 00:23:51,000 --> 00:23:57,620 it dresser but I think I'm just going to 547 00:23:53,280 --> 00:23:57,620 go full Bogan and call it dreza 548 00:23:58,260 --> 00:24:03,260 I grew up near Bogan gate so I reserve 549 00:24:00,659 --> 00:24:07,020 the right to um 550 00:24:03,260 --> 00:24:09,179 own that Bogan and reform it from the 551 00:24:07,020 --> 00:24:12,240 inside 552 00:24:09,179 --> 00:24:15,659 um okay so what dreza hopes to do it's a 553 00:24:12,240 --> 00:24:17,820 it's a portal it's a place for you 554 00:24:15,659 --> 00:24:19,559 probably can't see that um tiny line 555 00:24:17,820 --> 00:24:22,080 there browsing discovering and 556 00:24:19,559 --> 00:24:24,480 organizing digital research skills 557 00:24:22,080 --> 00:24:28,919 events and training resources collected 558 00:24:24,480 --> 00:24:32,220 from australasian providers so it's in 559 00:24:28,919 --> 00:24:35,400 fact it's authenticated by aaf in 560 00:24:32,220 --> 00:24:36,000 Australia and in New Zealand it's 561 00:24:35,400 --> 00:24:38,460 um 562 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:40,440 I always forget the name of it 563 00:24:38,460 --> 00:24:43,260 um 564 00:24:40,440 --> 00:24:45,120 no I can't remember starts with a t 565 00:24:43,260 --> 00:24:46,980 might have to re-record that section of 566 00:24:45,120 --> 00:24:48,960 the talk 567 00:24:46,980 --> 00:24:51,179 um so what dresser hopes to do is to 568 00:24:48,960 --> 00:24:53,400 aggregate that information from as many 569 00:24:51,179 --> 00:24:55,679 Australian Australian and New Zealand 570 00:24:53,400 --> 00:24:58,860 training events as possible into one 571 00:24:55,679 --> 00:25:00,840 portal and make it a you know a 572 00:24:58,860 --> 00:25:03,240 meaningful place to start for 573 00:25:00,840 --> 00:25:05,580 researchers looking to find out what 574 00:25:03,240 --> 00:25:08,340 skills they need and what 575 00:25:05,580 --> 00:25:11,280 what training and support is available 576 00:25:08,340 --> 00:25:13,980 to them so we 577 00:25:11,280 --> 00:25:17,580 um so we pull that metadata from all of 578 00:25:13,980 --> 00:25:19,140 that from existing sites and put it 579 00:25:17,580 --> 00:25:21,659 together there's also a place for 580 00:25:19,140 --> 00:25:24,419 trainers to create their own profile so 581 00:25:21,659 --> 00:25:26,460 if you indeed are a trainer or have a 582 00:25:24,419 --> 00:25:29,340 trainer capacity in your role I really 583 00:25:26,460 --> 00:25:31,679 encourage you to talk to me about um 584 00:25:29,340 --> 00:25:35,700 creating a trainer profile 585 00:25:31,679 --> 00:25:39,120 and how we might bulk ingest your 586 00:25:35,700 --> 00:25:41,580 training calendar that kind of thing 587 00:25:39,120 --> 00:25:46,140 the other thing that I would like to 588 00:25:41,580 --> 00:25:50,340 share with this is the the hilariously 589 00:25:46,140 --> 00:25:52,440 named ardc software program okay which 590 00:25:50,340 --> 00:25:54,960 which is a program but it's not that 591 00:25:52,440 --> 00:25:57,299 kind of program and 592 00:25:54,960 --> 00:26:01,860 two big things that the software program 593 00:25:57,299 --> 00:26:03,900 does is a um is running a visible 594 00:26:01,860 --> 00:26:06,600 research software interest group and 595 00:26:03,900 --> 00:26:08,820 they've got a ask me anything meeting 596 00:26:06,600 --> 00:26:13,100 coming up at the end of this month I'd 597 00:26:08,820 --> 00:26:15,779 like to encourage you to go to and also 598 00:26:13,100 --> 00:26:18,059 they have sponsored or we have sponsored 599 00:26:15,779 --> 00:26:20,460 a Eureka prize for excellence in 600 00:26:18,059 --> 00:26:23,059 research software so this is exciting 601 00:26:20,460 --> 00:26:29,299 because it's ten thousand dollars 602 00:26:23,059 --> 00:26:32,580 and it's a it's something that is for 603 00:26:29,299 --> 00:26:35,880 anyone involved in Risk in building 604 00:26:32,580 --> 00:26:37,559 research software so you could be you 605 00:26:35,880 --> 00:26:39,539 could be an academic but you or a 606 00:26:37,559 --> 00:26:41,700 researcher but you could also be a 607 00:26:39,539 --> 00:26:45,059 research software engineer and you would 608 00:26:41,700 --> 00:26:49,140 be welcome to apply for that price so I 609 00:26:45,059 --> 00:26:52,520 encourage you to explore that or as the 610 00:26:49,140 --> 00:26:52,520 side says enter now 611 00:26:52,980 --> 00:26:57,720 all right 612 00:26:54,600 --> 00:26:59,760 okay so oh I don't have notes there so 613 00:26:57,720 --> 00:27:02,880 here we go what have I learned about 614 00:26:59,760 --> 00:27:04,919 Community Building 615 00:27:02,880 --> 00:27:07,320 these are three out of the many things 616 00:27:04,919 --> 00:27:09,240 that I have learned um because I did I 617 00:27:07,320 --> 00:27:11,460 did want to get to one of you know what 618 00:27:09,240 --> 00:27:16,080 are those critical things involved in 619 00:27:11,460 --> 00:27:17,220 building a building community and 620 00:27:16,080 --> 00:27:20,220 um 621 00:27:17,220 --> 00:27:23,340 oh this is weird because uh often I I 622 00:27:20,220 --> 00:27:25,200 feel that it's a liability of mine to 623 00:27:23,340 --> 00:27:27,120 not be able to work out what the 624 00:27:25,200 --> 00:27:28,919 priority is at any one time because 625 00:27:27,120 --> 00:27:31,860 everything is important we must do 626 00:27:28,919 --> 00:27:34,860 everything but there are a lot of moving 627 00:27:31,860 --> 00:27:37,860 parts and so getting buy-in from 628 00:27:34,860 --> 00:27:40,679 organizations at that sort of senior 629 00:27:37,860 --> 00:27:43,260 level is important but equally important 630 00:27:40,679 --> 00:27:46,679 is paying attention to the community 631 00:27:43,260 --> 00:27:49,980 Grassroots communities on the ground and 632 00:27:46,679 --> 00:27:52,440 listening to what the community why you 633 00:27:49,980 --> 00:27:54,360 are building communities 634 00:27:52,440 --> 00:27:56,820 and for me that means paying attention 635 00:27:54,360 --> 00:27:58,860 to that social side of learning one of 636 00:27:56,820 --> 00:28:02,039 the great things about the carpentries 637 00:27:58,860 --> 00:28:04,860 that I I love to Champion is how good 638 00:28:02,039 --> 00:28:07,799 they are at Social infrastructure so 639 00:28:04,860 --> 00:28:10,380 they have regular Community they're a 640 00:28:07,799 --> 00:28:12,240 Regional Community calls that happen to 641 00:28:10,380 --> 00:28:14,580 help people come together and know who's 642 00:28:12,240 --> 00:28:17,100 who in their local communities and when 643 00:28:14,580 --> 00:28:18,620 I say local in that context actually it 644 00:28:17,100 --> 00:28:22,320 kind of means 645 00:28:18,620 --> 00:28:26,640 National groupings across the world 646 00:28:22,320 --> 00:28:29,360 there's also a Convention of running pre 647 00:28:26,640 --> 00:28:32,520 and post workshop debriefs for 648 00:28:29,360 --> 00:28:34,799 instructors so that you can talk with 649 00:28:32,520 --> 00:28:37,559 other instructors about oh I'm I'm about 650 00:28:34,799 --> 00:28:40,020 to run a workshop for you know data 651 00:28:37,559 --> 00:28:42,360 carpentry genomics workshop and I'm 652 00:28:40,020 --> 00:28:43,919 gonna I'm gonna use work on this 653 00:28:42,360 --> 00:28:45,240 particular curricula and I'm going to 654 00:28:43,919 --> 00:28:47,760 cut this other stuff what do you think 655 00:28:45,240 --> 00:28:50,340 of my plans and also it works for a 656 00:28:47,760 --> 00:28:52,380 debrief as well so instructors are 657 00:28:50,340 --> 00:28:54,779 welcome to come in and talk about how 658 00:28:52,380 --> 00:28:56,580 they're using that and of course there 659 00:28:54,779 --> 00:29:00,059 are many roles across the carpentries 660 00:28:56,580 --> 00:29:03,779 whether you get involved in maintaining 661 00:29:00,059 --> 00:29:06,960 the open source curriculum or um 662 00:29:03,779 --> 00:29:09,419 as as a maintainer or as a community 663 00:29:06,960 --> 00:29:11,880 coordinator as well 664 00:29:09,419 --> 00:29:14,340 so I guess finally 665 00:29:11,880 --> 00:29:16,200 um this is really just a a bullet point 666 00:29:14,340 --> 00:29:19,440 for me that mistakes mean that you're 667 00:29:16,200 --> 00:29:20,940 learning so I'm pleased to say I now 668 00:29:19,440 --> 00:29:25,340 know the difference between the lyrics 669 00:29:20,940 --> 00:29:26,940 of MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice 670 00:29:25,340 --> 00:29:28,860 and 671 00:29:26,940 --> 00:29:31,320 um and 672 00:29:28,860 --> 00:29:33,840 that's that's where I'm that's where I'm 673 00:29:31,320 --> 00:29:36,980 at so here's our subscribe to the ardc 674 00:29:33,840 --> 00:29:40,140 connect newsletter business 675 00:29:36,980 --> 00:29:42,000 and you can please come and talk to me 676 00:29:40,140 --> 00:29:43,860 about any of these questions or I look 677 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:45,779 forward to your questions because I feel 678 00:29:43,860 --> 00:29:49,380 like I've just given you a lot of 679 00:29:45,779 --> 00:29:51,840 information here and this this could be 680 00:29:49,380 --> 00:29:53,640 the start of a beautiful Journey 681 00:29:51,840 --> 00:29:56,580 exploration 682 00:29:53,640 --> 00:30:04,800 and I don't know Hammer Time thank you 683 00:29:56,580 --> 00:30:04,800 [Applause] 684 00:30:06,360 --> 00:30:11,299 oh okay cool have you got any questions 685 00:30:08,760 --> 00:30:11,299 yes 686 00:30:16,020 --> 00:30:21,299 thanks Liz oh thanks Liz great talk 687 00:30:18,720 --> 00:30:21,980 um the you talked a little bit about you 688 00:30:21,299 --> 00:30:24,659 know 689 00:30:21,980 --> 00:30:25,740 the community side of it and and that 690 00:30:24,659 --> 00:30:27,659 there's all you know there's a lot of 691 00:30:25,740 --> 00:30:30,240 moving parts and the prioritization 692 00:30:27,659 --> 00:30:32,760 piece 693 00:30:30,240 --> 00:30:35,640 talk more a little bit about that and 694 00:30:32,760 --> 00:30:38,220 how how do you how do you choose what to 695 00:30:35,640 --> 00:30:41,820 do next like what kind of prioritization 696 00:30:38,220 --> 00:30:43,640 approaches do you use 697 00:30:41,820 --> 00:30:47,940 damn 698 00:30:43,640 --> 00:30:51,120 so the question was how do I um how do I 699 00:30:47,940 --> 00:30:52,799 prioritize what to do next in the in 700 00:30:51,120 --> 00:30:55,500 that Community Building kind of space 701 00:30:52,799 --> 00:30:56,580 and talk more about it I suppose that 702 00:30:55,500 --> 00:30:58,919 could 703 00:30:56,580 --> 00:31:01,340 um I can answer that 704 00:30:58,919 --> 00:31:04,440 I will answer that 705 00:31:01,340 --> 00:31:06,240 so last year 706 00:31:04,440 --> 00:31:09,600 um we established our partnership we had 707 00:31:06,240 --> 00:31:11,640 11 partner organizations and we 708 00:31:09,600 --> 00:31:13,320 basically went on this big drive to get 709 00:31:11,640 --> 00:31:16,620 lots of people in through our instructor 710 00:31:13,320 --> 00:31:18,960 training and it was it was really 711 00:31:16,620 --> 00:31:20,659 intense because there was 712 00:31:18,960 --> 00:31:23,279 um while we 713 00:31:20,659 --> 00:31:25,080 we went out and sourced people who were 714 00:31:23,279 --> 00:31:27,000 to get that instructor training from 715 00:31:25,080 --> 00:31:30,179 across Australia but when our trainers 716 00:31:27,000 --> 00:31:33,120 run our training they also run training 717 00:31:30,179 --> 00:31:35,760 which can be attended by other members 718 00:31:33,120 --> 00:31:38,520 or instructor trainees from other member 719 00:31:35,760 --> 00:31:40,679 organizations there are about 110 member 720 00:31:38,520 --> 00:31:42,679 organizations across the carpentry's 721 00:31:40,679 --> 00:31:46,700 worldwide so 722 00:31:42,679 --> 00:31:49,799 that meant that we spent a lot of time 723 00:31:46,700 --> 00:31:52,500 focused on just delivering the 724 00:31:49,799 --> 00:31:55,020 instructor training okay and so by the 725 00:31:52,500 --> 00:31:56,580 end of the year I was exhausted and 726 00:31:55,020 --> 00:31:59,340 resolved never to run a training event 727 00:31:56,580 --> 00:32:03,059 in December ever again 728 00:31:59,340 --> 00:32:04,500 this year our um so in answer to 729 00:32:03,059 --> 00:32:06,059 bringing back to your question about 730 00:32:04,500 --> 00:32:08,100 like how do you decide what to do next 731 00:32:06,059 --> 00:32:09,539 we've now we have a whole bunch of 732 00:32:08,100 --> 00:32:11,700 people who've gone through the training 733 00:32:09,539 --> 00:32:14,880 some of them have made it through to 734 00:32:11,700 --> 00:32:16,440 full certified instructor status 735 00:32:14,880 --> 00:32:19,860 um probably about a third of them 736 00:32:16,440 --> 00:32:22,620 actually so it it's still one of so our 737 00:32:19,860 --> 00:32:25,140 next big job is to help them through 738 00:32:22,620 --> 00:32:28,320 that and so the things that we're doing 739 00:32:25,140 --> 00:32:30,120 to help them through that process is to 740 00:32:28,320 --> 00:32:32,460 start up some Australian New Zealand 741 00:32:30,120 --> 00:32:34,860 regular Community calls 742 00:32:32,460 --> 00:32:40,860 it's one coming up in mid-april 743 00:32:34,860 --> 00:32:43,620 and start and pay more attention to what 744 00:32:40,860 --> 00:32:46,740 it takes to help an instructor deliver 745 00:32:43,620 --> 00:32:49,020 their first Workshop so there's often a 746 00:32:46,740 --> 00:32:50,820 sense when you run a train the train in 747 00:32:49,020 --> 00:32:52,620 a program that 748 00:32:50,820 --> 00:32:54,360 all you need is an organization who's 749 00:32:52,620 --> 00:32:56,039 going to pay the fee and then people 750 00:32:54,360 --> 00:32:57,179 attend the training and then they're 751 00:32:56,039 --> 00:32:58,559 good to go 752 00:32:57,179 --> 00:33:00,480 but what I've learned through the 753 00:32:58,559 --> 00:33:02,760 carpentry's involvement is that like 754 00:33:00,480 --> 00:33:06,179 that's actually just the first step and 755 00:33:02,760 --> 00:33:09,360 then you need to really engage in a a 756 00:33:06,179 --> 00:33:13,140 much deeper instructor onboarding 757 00:33:09,360 --> 00:33:16,620 program to find for people at that local 758 00:33:13,140 --> 00:33:20,100 level for them to find well who can who 759 00:33:16,620 --> 00:33:22,019 can I encourage or ask nicely to do the 760 00:33:20,100 --> 00:33:25,080 registration and the organizing of the 761 00:33:22,019 --> 00:33:28,820 administration around the workshops and 762 00:33:25,080 --> 00:33:34,260 how can I convince my 763 00:33:28,820 --> 00:33:36,899 my bosses to allow my peers to have time 764 00:33:34,260 --> 00:33:39,539 off to attend these workshops or to have 765 00:33:36,899 --> 00:33:43,200 spend staff time joining these workshops 766 00:33:39,539 --> 00:33:45,899 so that's that's where we're going and 767 00:33:43,200 --> 00:33:48,600 in fact I would I would like to do less 768 00:33:45,899 --> 00:33:51,299 training this year and focus more on 769 00:33:48,600 --> 00:33:53,760 moving those people into 770 00:33:51,299 --> 00:33:55,440 demonstrating or sort of you know 771 00:33:53,760 --> 00:33:58,200 walking the talk of 772 00:33:55,440 --> 00:34:00,360 um what what they've learned last year 773 00:33:58,200 --> 00:34:03,019 how's that for an answer a bit more 774 00:34:00,360 --> 00:34:03,019 thank you 775 00:34:06,960 --> 00:34:11,280 um as one of you could speak to the 776 00:34:08,940 --> 00:34:13,320 relationship between carpentries as a 777 00:34:11,280 --> 00:34:14,760 training organization that's not doesn't 778 00:34:13,320 --> 00:34:16,800 sound like it's necessarily closed but 779 00:34:14,760 --> 00:34:18,899 at least his membership driven and 780 00:34:16,800 --> 00:34:21,240 internal like that and the open sort of 781 00:34:18,899 --> 00:34:22,619 an open Community like like the free and 782 00:34:21,240 --> 00:34:24,780 open source Community more generally the 783 00:34:22,619 --> 00:34:27,899 relationship between the resources that 784 00:34:24,780 --> 00:34:30,179 you've got the or the the ways that we 785 00:34:27,899 --> 00:34:32,580 can collaborate as without necessarily 786 00:34:30,179 --> 00:34:34,679 becoming full members of a carpentry 787 00:34:32,580 --> 00:34:37,020 organization or if open source 788 00:34:34,679 --> 00:34:38,339 communities can have access to materials 789 00:34:37,020 --> 00:34:40,460 without necessarily having access to 790 00:34:38,339 --> 00:34:43,020 specific training sessions is there any 791 00:34:40,460 --> 00:34:46,280 relationship here that that to be to be 792 00:34:43,020 --> 00:34:49,379 built on or grown or is it a uh 793 00:34:46,280 --> 00:34:50,820 sufficiently closed that the people in 794 00:34:49,379 --> 00:34:52,379 this room who aren't already members of 795 00:34:50,820 --> 00:34:55,679 those organizations could participate 796 00:34:52,379 --> 00:35:01,460 yeah that's a good question okay so your 797 00:34:55,679 --> 00:35:01,460 question is about how do you talk more 798 00:35:02,580 --> 00:35:07,560 right okay and why how how can you how 799 00:35:05,640 --> 00:35:10,140 can you get involved without necessarily 800 00:35:07,560 --> 00:35:12,300 becoming a member organizational or you 801 00:35:10,140 --> 00:35:15,960 know strong-arming your senior admin 802 00:35:12,300 --> 00:35:19,440 into paying the fees yeah 803 00:35:15,960 --> 00:35:22,020 um so so yes because all of the 804 00:35:19,440 --> 00:35:25,920 curriculum is um 805 00:35:22,020 --> 00:35:27,359 uh is openly licensed there it all has a 806 00:35:25,920 --> 00:35:30,000 um an attribution Creative Commons 807 00:35:27,359 --> 00:35:33,000 attributions license and is hosted on 808 00:35:30,000 --> 00:35:35,400 GitHub in fact I think it's you know 809 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:37,140 GitHub carpentries is the major 810 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:40,320 repository there and and you can filter 811 00:35:37,140 --> 00:35:41,880 through and find things and so that the 812 00:35:40,320 --> 00:35:44,760 the maintenance of that lesson 813 00:35:41,880 --> 00:35:48,180 curriculum is all run by run through 814 00:35:44,760 --> 00:35:51,119 GitHub so anyone is welcome to pop in 815 00:35:48,180 --> 00:35:54,359 and comment on an issue or 816 00:35:51,119 --> 00:35:56,880 um and indeed use the curriculum so you 817 00:35:54,359 --> 00:36:00,480 can you can definitely Fork it and 818 00:35:56,880 --> 00:36:03,900 adjust it for your own own needs the 819 00:36:00,480 --> 00:36:06,900 membership part really focuses in if you 820 00:36:03,900 --> 00:36:09,000 want to um if you want to make use of 821 00:36:06,900 --> 00:36:11,700 those materials at scale among your 822 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:13,859 organization because then you can say 823 00:36:11,700 --> 00:36:16,560 that you're running a carpentry's 824 00:36:13,859 --> 00:36:19,079 workshop because you've got carpentry's 825 00:36:16,560 --> 00:36:21,839 certified instructors to run it 826 00:36:19,079 --> 00:36:24,060 so I guess that's the reason for the 827 00:36:21,839 --> 00:36:27,240 membership tier 828 00:36:24,060 --> 00:36:28,859 yes yes trademark exactly thanks for 829 00:36:27,240 --> 00:36:29,640 bringing that up 830 00:36:28,859 --> 00:36:33,540 um 831 00:36:29,640 --> 00:36:36,000 uh alternatively there are even in the 832 00:36:33,540 --> 00:36:38,880 in the trainer in the instructor 833 00:36:36,000 --> 00:36:40,920 training space you can 834 00:36:38,880 --> 00:36:43,740 um join in through the open scholarship 835 00:36:40,920 --> 00:36:45,359 program so if your organization doesn't 836 00:36:43,740 --> 00:36:47,520 have the wherewithal and you want to do 837 00:36:45,359 --> 00:36:51,240 it on your own time you are more than 838 00:36:47,520 --> 00:36:54,060 welcome to submit a new expression of 839 00:36:51,240 --> 00:36:55,320 interest in those training programs and 840 00:36:54,060 --> 00:36:57,900 then that gets assessed by the 841 00:36:55,320 --> 00:37:01,500 instructor training team 842 00:36:57,900 --> 00:37:03,660 and I think because of the nature of 843 00:37:01,500 --> 00:37:05,940 what the carpentries teach 844 00:37:03,660 --> 00:37:08,880 um you know whether it's teaching python 845 00:37:05,940 --> 00:37:11,700 or R teaching those teaching these 846 00:37:08,880 --> 00:37:17,099 skills about how to build build software 847 00:37:11,700 --> 00:37:19,140 and and use work in ways that are open I 848 00:37:17,099 --> 00:37:21,119 mean from their point of view it's from 849 00:37:19,140 --> 00:37:23,700 the it's building you know 850 00:37:21,119 --> 00:37:26,220 reproducibility skills among researchers 851 00:37:23,700 --> 00:37:28,280 but it's not only researchers who 852 00:37:26,220 --> 00:37:32,220 researchers are not the only people who 853 00:37:28,280 --> 00:37:33,800 have these skills at all by any means so 854 00:37:32,220 --> 00:37:37,920 I guess it's about building that 855 00:37:33,800 --> 00:37:40,940 Community but I would say the 856 00:37:37,920 --> 00:37:44,099 um the open source Community 857 00:37:40,940 --> 00:37:47,880 an open source software and development 858 00:37:44,099 --> 00:37:48,680 Community is more than welcome to chip 859 00:37:47,880 --> 00:37:53,400 in 860 00:37:48,680 --> 00:37:55,440 with your expertise or explore ways that 861 00:37:53,400 --> 00:37:59,839 um that could could work you know 862 00:37:55,440 --> 00:37:59,839 outside of that volunteer your time 863 00:38:04,200 --> 00:38:08,579 so sorry everybody that's uh 864 00:38:06,780 --> 00:38:11,400 out of time so everybody give another 865 00:38:08,579 --> 00:38:12,830 round of applause for this 866 00:38:11,400 --> 00:38:15,949 thank you 867 00:38:12,830 --> 00:38:15,949 [Applause]