Basic list of videos

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An Introduction to ANTLR: A parser toolkit for problems large and small: 041a
An Introduction to ANTLR: A parser toolkit for problems large and small: 041b
By Sound and By Touch: Using Linux with Speech and Braille Output Interfaces: 042
The Replicators Are Coming!: 070
netconf: modern, bottom-up network configuration management: 072
Redefining input in X: 088
The Simplified Mandatory Access Control Kernel: 092
Incident Response using PyFlag - the Forensic and Log Analysis GUI: 099a
Incident Response using PyFlag - the Forensic and Log Analysis GUI: 099b
Linux on Sun Logical Domains: 102
Memory-Efficient and Fast Websites -- Pick Two!: 114
An Introduction to Open Source Animation: 117
Application performance profiling with Xorg: 118
Free software development and localization helper: 120
Google, Open Source and Google Summer of Code: 122
Rockhopper Robot: Designing and Programming an Autonomous Robot with Linux and Open Source: 123
A day in the life of a distro kernel maintainer.: 128
NUMA pagecache replication: 133
Breaking the Silence: Making Applications Talk with Telepathy: 158
Clustered Samba - not just a hack any more: 178
Linux and Home Automation - Lessons Learned: 197
DTrace Web 2,0, AMP and AJAX: 205
Chunkfs: Fast file system check and repair: 262
Parrot: a VM for Dynamic Languages: 288
Kernel hacking: hacking on lguest: 289a
Kernel hacking: hacking on lguest: 289b
Creating User Interfaces With Plasma: 296a
Creating User Interfaces With Plasma: 296b
Would you do it again for free?: 304